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I built a retro 486 PC, bought a modem and could not find any dial-up ISPs in Australia. The 19xx prefix is not dial-able using VoIP line that I set up (we don't have POTS lines anymore).

Well, you can built a new internet! Just find some more computers to connect to!

As someone who did support for dial up in Australia many years ago, I've been thinking of doing this.

It would be trivial to set up a VoIP service restricted to outbound POPs.

I would - unironically - love to build an 'early internet' where we could dial in (or just emulate it via an intentionally low-bandwidth, high-latency layer over home wifi). Go back to chat rooms, islands of communities centered around a particular topic.

You're in luck - here's a list of still-operative dial-up BBSes: https://www.telnetbbsguide.com/bbs/connection/dial-up/list/b...

There is a device you connect to your computer port and it can emulate dial up. It connects to your wifi but your computer sees it as a modem, then you type regular AT commands and instead of a number it connects to telnet BBSs.

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