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Why Bringing More Affordable Housing to Austin Is a Block-by-Block Battle (texasmonthly.com)
13 points by jseliger on Sept 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

You can't have affordable housing and also oppose density, not without also being for continual environmental destruction that suburban sprawl requires. This article has so many "well meaning" but delusional people who literally the symptom of the problem. It's time these people were overruled, for the public good and for the planet.

Overruled by whom? Austin is a city in Texas. Even if the City of Austin (being the people or the government of the city) wanted to do such a thing, the State of Texas would overrule it.

If the Texas GOP had any sense they’d impose upzoning on Austin from the state level. They can just say they’re giving Austin residents what they say they want. It’d be a win win for them.

That's what California did.

I feel like Austin residents may be the worst of the worst—Californians who fled to Texas because they didn’t want to pay income taxes.

After Oregon passed HB2001.

The GOP is against density from a political perspective though, not an ideological one.

Hahaha! Listen, Californians set the culture wherever we go. Your culture will be outcompeted. We are Borg. You can either become us or lose to us.

In the end, we can mess with Texas.

Luckily things seem to be slowly turning here in California. The YIMBYs are, very slowly, winning. There’s even a 2300-home “builder’s remedy” project in Redondo Beach, the first use of this law in history.

As usual the rest of the nation is about to experience what California was doing ten years ago. I suggest bucking up for the ride and fighting those NIMBYs with all the forewarning you can gather from our experience.

> Listen, Californians set the culture wherever we go.

Which culture, the NIMBY California culture, or the pro-density California culture that just legally struck down single family zoning?

The reality is that all places have both cultures, and the conflict between them doesn't fall along state or political faction boundaries, but rather generational ones.

Lol this is great. Imagining The Blob fights Godzilla.

Hahaha! Exactement.

Then why don't they stay in CA?

Why do conquerors conquer? For its own sake.

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