A Professional Engineer certification is a license to be sued --- personally. Unlike most other endeavors, the *personal* legal liability cannot be avoided. Incorporation has no effect.
This plus the fact that most engineering careers have a half life of about 10 years. 10 years after graduation, about half the class have recognized their career mistake and moved to a different line of work. Another 10 years and the numbers fall by half again.
This is why they constantly promote STEM in schools. Got to keep those naive, new, warm bodies coming. It's a trap kids, don't fall for it.
They don't promote careers in medicine, legal or business --- because they don't have to. These promote themselves.
A Professional Engineer certification is a license to be sued --- personally. Unlike most other endeavors, the *personal* legal liability cannot be avoided. Incorporation has no effect.
This plus the fact that most engineering careers have a half life of about 10 years. 10 years after graduation, about half the class have recognized their career mistake and moved to a different line of work. Another 10 years and the numbers fall by half again.
This is why they constantly promote STEM in schools. Got to keep those naive, new, warm bodies coming. It's a trap kids, don't fall for it.
They don't promote careers in medicine, legal or business --- because they don't have to. These promote themselves.