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Which is why Google Takeout exists. What other company is posturing this way and also lets you backup (soon to be?) all of your data?

Account lockouts due to TOS violations are often cases in which Google's hands are tied legally.

Very few things are life-long, so backup early and backup often. Google is the only cloud hosted service provider I feel comfortable using because I can easily sync my data with my backup server.

What other company is posturing this way and also lets you backup (soon to be?) all of your data?

Facebook? They've let users download their data for some time now. (go to https://www.facebook.com/settings then "Download your data")

This looks like this: https://skitch.com/timothee/g8c7r/download-your-information

For all the critics that Facebook gets, it's also good to note that they have customer service. (and pretty good for my little experience)

> Very few things are life-long, so backup early and backup often.

I can't imagine why that wasn't included as part of the ad. ;)

WTF are you talking about? The ad makes no claims that the data is kept around forever. Your snarky comment applies to all digital media, mind.

> Your snarky comment applies to all digital media, mind.

Thus far, I don't know of any other digital media that's claiming to exist long enough for your child to grow up. Entire companies could crumble during that period.

Google's the last place you want to put a digital time capsule to your child. You'd want it in several places, none of which ought be encumbered by the policies a company like Google needs to keep its operations running. But they wouldn't want to mention that in an ad.

Any better for you?

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