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Yeah, I'd prefer a GUI in this instance over going back and forth to the man page and trying to remember all of the options and all of their formats.

It really comes down to "is this a one-time task you're trying to figure out" or do you want the options set once and never touch it again in a script.

With the CLI at least you can cut and paste the options from somewhere else.

Microsoft solved this for a lot of their server stuff by having a "show me the powershell command" at the end of most wizards. If you want to write a script, going through this process is usually a good idea.

Google Cloud does this also - shows the equivalent gcloud command line to execute APIs available through the UI console.

This is awesome

"Cut and paste the options from somewhere" is a questionable practice even when it's not part of a security-critical workflow. And yet I'd venture to say that most people who use OpenSSL do so with commands copy-pasted verbatim from the internet, specifically because of its obtuse complexity.

Set-and-forget still requires you to know what to set.

And leads to doing things with little of understanding how and why it actually works in the first place.

You presume that I can gain any insight at all by copy-pasting a series of arcane invocations from the internet.

I dont't konwn, if you realized that this user interface is just one of the many tabs

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