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Except that there are no other interpretations of the words "christian" and "muslim", where it's quite clear you're referring to specific religions.

Black and white are colors. _You_ are making the leap from color to ethnicity.

At the end you claim you "have no problem with that", and yet you're all over this discussion proclaiming the same weak argument. Seems like you have quite a problem with it.

> Black and white are colors. _You_ are making the leap from color to ethnicity.

Except that we're not living in a hypothetical bubble but a world where white and black make many people think of skin color, I feel like it's hard to deny that at least in NA.

>but a world where white and black make many people think of skin color, I feel like it's hard to deny that at least in NA.

Don't project your neurotic racist thoughts onto others. Not everyone is as racist and neurotic as this. You're poorly attempting to gas light everyone into thinking this neurotically. Stop it.


So since chess players aren't a very progressive group, none should strive to be progressive?


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