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Play with TailwindCSS in the Browser (tailwindcss.com)
260 points by Brajeshwar on June 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 285 comments

I used to be a Tailwind hater.

I couldn't fathom why anyone would ever use it. And then I used it. It seriously makes CSS significantly easier to maintain, dramatically reduces your CSS build size, and is really good for teams if you're trying to use consistent CSS throughout your UIs. You also don't need to go back and forth between CSS file and HTML file.

If you're on the fence, try it out. I think it's the future of writing CSS.

> it's the future of writing CSS.

Tailwind didn't invent utility classes. We've done this since the '90s.

> significantly easier to maintain

Disagree totally. Utility classes are good for rapid prototyping. But they clutter your code, mix semantics with presentation, and are a pain in the ass when it comes to code reuse. The cascade part of CSS is, believe it or not, actually useful for code reuse. Need to change a font deep in some nested component? Not a problem with CSS. Tailwind, you're fucked. You'll need to modify each component layer to pass down a class prop. Or do some ugly context hack.

* Tailwind doesn’t claim to have invented utility classes, nor even utility-first CSS architecture.

* HTML has always mixed semantics and presentation.

* It’s terrific for production applications because we don’t lovingly hand-craft each DOM node. Far from being an enemy of reuse, it enables refactoring at the point of HTML generation, and aligns particularly well with partials and view helper functions/objects.

* The cascade is still there; you’re not fucked. Not even if you’ve been suckered into using some react-like framework.

> We've done this since the '90s.

no, we really didn't. tho i'll agree that utility classes have been a thing for longer than tailwind/bootstrap/tachyons/pico/etc have existed

> mix semantics with presentation

there is nothing semantic about class names: nothing, zero, zilch - using IDs are even worse due to specificity, with none of the "semantic" benefit. focus on the correct top level wrappers

part of me wonders about the extent of what HN commenters actually do on the web regarding styles, or if they just slap together some homogenous web app or static site where its rather easy to not have a design team needing flexibility on every little thing.

case in point, our main "button" has about 15 different base variants (that *3 currently) depending on context, not counting the interaction states.

Okay so one huge difference between now and the late 90's is that we have several very popular ways to create "components" of HTML/JS/CSS. From react to liveview it's very popular. This is important because it's much easier to maintain.

We did back then too. In fact we had SSR. It often took the form of CGI, like PHP - which, hate the language all you want, it has a very sane and scalable model.

and bi-directional data flow was done in the form on long polling. this sounds very much like a get off my lawn argument rather than anything rooted in reality of the now.

Long polling has turned into SSE. And rocks with HTTP/2. What was once old is new and in vogue again!

SSE isn't bi-directional, but sure - solves a bit of the long polling issue.

It absolutely was not popular.

What was not popular? PHP? Because that's... well, patently wrong.

No, componentized HTML.

I’m familiar with the pain point you’re describing. It’s not the cascade, it’s the ability to target a child element through a selector. (Which utility based approaches do away with)

But the thing is you can always do that if it’s needed. There’s no one forcing you to strictly adopt the utility pattern. It’s all just vanilla CSS at the end of the day. If a hybrid approach works best for your project then do that.

Personally I find the need for this to be quite rare, and there are actually some good arguments against writing too much specificity in to your css even if it’s more convenient up front.

Although Tailwind won't target those descendant elements for you, it doesn't block your ability to do so. We found that 95% of our CSS goes away, the remaining 5% is still there with complex selectors and/or CSS settings that aren't in Tailwind. That remaining small amount is far easier to deal with.

I also started out thinking the whole idea seemed backward. Now I think of it this way: it works extremely well in practice, even if in theory it won't.

I completely disagree.

To fix the css + jsx in one file, just write your styled components at the bottom of your component.

If you ever seen a react component completely riddled with Tailwind, you'll realize how messy and uncoordinated it looks.

Even I would consider switching between two files just to avoid that style of css.

Furthermore the necessity to utilize horizontal scroll because adding 10+ more rules will inevitably break your prettier printWidth rule is, by far, the most annoying aspect of Tailwind.

    absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-r from-cyan-400 to-sky-500 shadow-lg transform -skew-y-6 sm:skew-y-0 sm:-rotate-6 sm:rounded-3xl

    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    linear-gradient(45deg, #fff, #000);
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 0.05);
    transform: skewY(60deg);
    border-radius: 4px;
    transform: rotate(60deg);
Consider these two snippets, after time of not looking at your css code, do you think 10+ rules on one line is maintainable?

Not even close, ask yourself to change a css property - you would have to iteratively go from left to right until you find it, whereas looking from top down you can immediately catch the css rule you want to find.

Succinct doesn't mean maintainable, and sometimes verbosity does.

Tailwindcss isn't even close to being the future.

You seem to miss the bigger point - Tailwind constraint your css use so that you don't imagine stuff in ad-hoc manner.

And you can split, and sort classes with editor plugins which makes it almost equally good as your example.

i think you missed his point to be honest.

Regardless of where place your tailwindcss or where you split / sort classes, reading iteratively from left to right, especially if the css rules are numerous, is not legible.

just looking at the two examples above, and already I can tell how much it would be easier to maintain verbose css.

So u cant manage the little bigger list of words? And you can manage way complex software behavior at the same time? Particularly if it lets you manage small subset of CSS ?

I wrote a “function” for this exact reason. It’ll display the classes in a much easier to read way. It also can type check to ensure that all classes are valid. I say function in quotes because it’s actually a babel macro that’s get compiled down so there’s no runtime cost! https://github.com/fleck/class-types.macro#better-prettier-f...

That's the biggest problem with TW IMO.

It's much more difficult to scan a list of classes in a single line. With CSS I can quickly scan the declarations from top to bottom until I find the thing I want.

Complex nested declarations are also super easy to scan when using SCSS. When you start adding pseudoclasses with TW it becomes a shit show.

And it really makes the markup an absolute mess for anything other than trivial examples.

People complain about not knowing where the styles are, which was a valid concern when doing old school CSS (everything in a couple of files) but I haven't had that issue since I started using SCSS in almost a decade.

When doing front end with components I store the SCSS for the component in the same directory of the component file. Eg: MyComponent.svelte and MyComponent.scss. Super easy and clear. I've also written a small VSCode extension that allows me switch between the component and its SCSS file with a shortcut. I don't even have to open the SCSS file or look for it. I configure Webpack or whatever I'm using to automatically include the .scss files in the component folders. I have all the convenience and control I want without relying on something as convoluted as TW.

explain to me how this compiles

  .class1 {
    .class2 {
      &:hover {
        font-family: value;

     body.some-thing & {
       color: woooooo;

I don't think the example compares. In languages like JS, double, triple or even further nested ternaries are possible. But terser isn't always better because human readability is important. I can easily understood your SASS example because I know SASS, but I'd never write it like that. If I really wanted to add a decedent selector from a body class to .class1, I'd start a new nest on the body tag.

The problem with Tailwind is there's nothing you can do to avoid the much more difficult to scan and understand syntax described above. I personally don't understand why people are drinking this koolaide. I really think this is a fad a lot of people are going to come to regret when they go back to maintain older projects based on it.

> If I really wanted to add a decedent selector from a body class to .class1, I'd start a new nest on the body tag.

a) maybe you don't really know how far up the chain that tag gets called from.

b) it creates new selectors for class1 and class1.class2, as well as class1.class2's hover

c) creates a hyper specificity

now, I'm not advocating this usage of SASS - but it can be a handy hatchet when you need to support multiple themes with minimal changes/effort, much to the chagrin of specificity and maintainability

The point I was trying to make was just because Tailwind doesn't happen to be expressive enough to get you into that particular kind of mess isn't a reason to use it. True, its fair to say you can write bad CSS or SASS, but that's the same for all programming languages. If your main goal is something foot gun free and safe for the inexperienced, might as well go all the way and recommend low/no code or even Squarespace.

I think the reason a lot of ppl think they need tailwind, is because a) they aren't familiar enough with more current CSS techniques like CSS modules and linting which can limit stuff like nested descendant selectors and/or b) they're tricked into thinking they won't have to learn as much about CSS (a dangerous fallacy unless you're sticking to the most basic of prototypes!).

> I really think this is a fad a lot of people are going to come to regret when they go back to maintain older projects based on it.

Yeah 100%

But if you look at the State of CSS survey, TW is still relatively not as popular as Twitter or HN would make you believe.


I guess the point you're making is that TW prevents you from making certain errors.

Which is technically true but irrelevant. TW doesn't prevent you from understanding fundamental CSS concepts such as the box model, cascading, etc. Anyone with even basic CSS knowledge would not write this nonsensical and malicious example you just used.

You can do both of those things with Tailwind. Put the css only components at the bottom and use them in your main component if you want. Break the classes over multiple lines if you want.

The difference between your 2 examples is that TW allowed you to handle media queries seamlessly but you couldn't do that in your styles example.

Each styled-component also increases your css payload size linearly

i'm not sure what you mean by 'seamlessly'

but a media query in styled components would just be

    @media (max-width: 700px) {
        css here
it's not that much harder.

Also, the lack of address of real problems of tailwindcss of OPs comment in terms of mantainability is something you consider.

reading iteratively from left to right especially if it has 10+ css rules, in terms of legibility, is not really all too great.

I would absolutely hate to adjust something in tailwindcss, after not seeing the codebase in a month's time.

Whereas regular css properties, i can easily find by eye.

Your eye gets trained eventually. Also most of our components look something like this once class names start to get long.

  const inputWrapperClass = classNames(
    'flex flex-col gap-y-1',
    isDisabled ? 'opacity-50' : null

  return (
    <label className={inputWrapperClass}>
In practice our "full-stack" developers are writing less and less CSS because they're just using the components that encapsulate all of this, our frontend developers get code completion for our design system tokens, and we haven't had to ship any new CSS classes in the last few months.

Our new hires are able to just use the design system tokens rather than going in and saying `padding: 5px` and `padding: 4px` because the designer didn't think it was a big deal. They just write `p-1` and that covers it.

All the components get tree-shaken and only ship the styles they need so bundle size gets reduced as well.

If I had my dream team of 10x frontend developers and a perfect design team who always follows the rules they create then yes I would use regular css with css variables, but I don't.

I am more than happy to sacrifice "separation of technologies" for a happier team, more consistent styling, and faster delivery times.

"Also, the lack of address of real problems of tailwindcss of OPs comment in terms of mantainability is something you consider."

Not sure what you mean by that. I've been doing this since we did layouts with tables and shims in the 90s. I've found TW pretty nice to maintain myself.

"It's not that much harder", but a) it's a simple example and b) now you're going to litter your code with a load of hard coded media widths?

Let's talk about something concrete. Let's take a really simple layout that changes border and margin responsively (this, for me, is seamless).

    <div className="m-8 lg:m-0">
      <div className="border-2 md:border-4">
How would you do that?

I think it is already the present for people who don’t want to learn CSS.

I can go as far as using some of its standardized constants in my BEM codebases.

Snark aside, I believe the future of CSS is closer to ITCSS - working with the cascade to minimize the need to modify styles.

your vanilla CSS doesn't actually work the same since the second transform overrides the first one

As a side note, you can configure prettier for automatic class sorting for tailwind! It makes a huge difference in terms of code readability and maintenance.


Thank you so much for sharing that! I had no idea how much I even needed this, my classes tend to get incredibly messy and it'd always bothered me.

Same. People touted semantic CSS as the future for ages, and that's what I was taught in my first role out of college. Parts of that made sense (e.g. de-noising html), so I was against tailwind, but it's has quickly become one of my favorite tools.

I am pretty conservative in terms of "use boring tech", because I see so much reinventing of the wheel and making the same mistakes, but Tailwind is not in that camp!

I was never happy with any of the CSS in JS solutions in React land – all of them felt tedious or boilerplate-heavy compared to Vue's CSS model, which is excellent. Writing css and getting component scoping for free are great.

But with tailwind I've minimized usage of Vue CSS too. I pull it in occasionally when I need specific overrides of the tailwind component lib I'm using, but other than that I don't even need to touch css.

It's really for the React generation. People used to embedding the code, markup and style all in one file.

I've tried multiple times to use it, but I always end up using something like bootstrap. Funnily enough, I paid for tailwindui and take the styles and reproduce them in bootstrap css.

Bootstrap community seems to have given up. They only want to sell templates. The default is ugly. Sometimes I think about going back to bootstrap 2.

If you're using React, check out Material UI. I was a big fan of Bootstrap, but I didn't like that there was still so much for me to build. MUI comes with components for things like user avatars out of the box. But it doesn't get in the way at all either, it's very customizable at the theme and the component level (I'm using it with styled components, and I love not having to come up with class names for everything). I've also tried Antd and it's impossible to customize.

> easier to maintain

I’m a huge fan but maintaining tailwind projects is actually a huge pain in the ass. I could maybe improve it by factoring out the classes from my html into a separate sheet using @apply when I’m “done” a project, but I don’t, and it defeats the convenience value anyway.

The markup is so overwhelming when there’s anything remotely complex. And sometimes components are almost identical but with slight variations. I miss seeing an element with a simple .classname to let me know what’s going on. Admittedly this is due to a lack of foresight on my part but moving forward I’m either re-thinking tailwind or ditching it.

I even have a pre-release 0.6v or something running on a production site I need to maintain. Which is stupid and my fault but demonstrates 1) that I’m a huge fan and have been using it forever and 2) it can suck maintaining if not thought out properly.

Don’t forget now you need to configure webpack for node sass and purge css and blah blah blah.

Tailwind is great for building something you never need to touch again.

> I could maybe improve it by factoring out the classes from my html

I do it by refactoring my HTML.

By the way, you don’t need webpack to use Tailwind. It works great with lightweight asset handling too. In particular, there’s a stand-alone compiler.

Cool, I'll check it out thank you!

I really like utility classes and think Tailwind is really smart for many usecases, but the drawback with Tailwind is even if you componentize, your code is sprinkled with very specific visual classes like for shadows, border radius, etc. When companies want to refresh their look and feel, it's really annoying to change everything to remove now unwanted shadows, etc. In spite of it's age, I've found Bootstrap is better for this as it uses predefined component classes that can be restyled without rewriting the app or components (but also has some handy utility classes).

I know you can define your own component classes in TW, but then you've just recreated Bootstrap/Bulma/etc, but with no 3rd party components available. (Tailwind UI is just some limited copy paste code snippets last I looked.)

> but with no 3rd party components available

There are a bunch of great 3rd party components available in tailwind now. https://daisyui.com/ is one I've been using. They're usually a tad bit lower level than typical framework component libs, but the flexibility is great.

A great thing about that is they're not React-specific, Vue-specific, etc. You can use them in everything from raw html to your JS library flavor of choice.

DaisyUI is a nice approach and hope it succeeds. We were looking to use that until we realized it's almost identical to Bootstrap, and that we were just using Tailwind as an elaborate way to make a custom Bootstrap theme at build time. Company decided to go with BS5 instead.

Have you ever had to change the company's look and feel with anything else than tailwind?

I had to do it with a BEM codebase, and I also had to do it with tailwind. The tailwind situation was by far the easiest one. And it was because I was not afraid to remove things that could break unrelated parts of the application. Not allowing developer to hand write CSS is a great restriction for a good bunch of developers. The messes out there are unbelievable.

> Have you ever had to change the company's look and feel with anything else than tailwind?

Yes, many times, with normal CSS. It's basically the point of cascading style sheets. Sticking to proper class names and elements makes reskinning a breeze.

> It's basically the point of cascading style sheets

The "cascading" part is what makes it incredibly complicated. Keeping the "cascade" in sync with the actual markup is not a trivial task in teams with many people of different skills levels.

Not everyone is a top 1% dev, so we need easier and safer tools so that everyone can work and maintain a codebase.

> Sticking to proper class names and elements makes reskinning a breeze.

This is more easily said than done. It's like saying "Just don't write bugs". Every single project I find that has been built with BEM and similar patches after a couple years are just a mess and their CSS becomes "append only", as there's no guarantee that removing something won't break in unexpected ways.

You're just shifting work though. The commit will now contain 10000 non html structure changes to an html, phtml, whatever, instead styles to a CSS sheet. Might as well go back to doing inline styles. There's a reason we don't do that anymore.

This isn't the 90s. We all use file includes now. If you're working on a view file longer than a couple hundred lines, properly formatted, you're not abstracting enough or it's a one off marketing thing.

"If you're working on a view file longer than a couple hundred lines,"

Sorry, but this might just mean one file-include per tag if you use tailwind-css. The in-line CSS exceeds the HTML content by sometimes an order of magnitude bloating the page HTML to ginormous size.

And there we go...

"We all use 'cascading sheets' now. If you're working on a CSS file longer than a couple hundred lines, properly formatted, you're not abstracting enough or it's a one off marketing thing."

> The commit will now contain 10000 non html structure changes to an html

It's an acceptable trade off. Nothing is perfect. In exchange you're guaranteed those changes only affect this markup, and not some other li > ul > a whatever somewhere else.

> Might as well go back to doing inline styles

No, it is not. This has been explained thousands of times anyone says "tailwind is like inline styles". You can do responsive, you're limited to a consistent subset of rules, minimal output css file, caching, etc, etc. For example, here [1] is an explanation why it is not the same, but there are thousands.

By reading your answers I deduce you've not used it yet. And this is exactly what is being discussed here. Fanatics closed inward looking people will never like it, nor anything that defies what they've been taught for years. Like religion almost. You have to try it for real to see the benefits. It is not perfect, but the net result is very positive for a lot of people as you can see from the usage statistics. Just be a bit more open minded to new tech and give it a try. At least you'll understand why it is not the same as inline styles which is a pretty basic thing you understand after 1 hour of using it.

[1] https://frontstuff.io/no-utility-classes-arent-the-same-as-i...

Crazy, in my entire career I've never been involved in a redesign that didn't involve the entire layout but only changed some colors, paddings and drop shadows.

Definitely done it a bunch of times. Marketing comes out with some new web font crap they want and we need to go adjust everything. Flat face buttons become popular so we get rid of the pseudo 3d ones. They want to launch a new webstore but dont want to redesign, lets just steal one we have and reskin it a bit.

> Not allowing developer to hand write CSS is a great restriction for a good bunch of developers.

I agree, main point is that I think there are better tools for large codebases. We had a "no CSS" rule where we used bootstrap components and utility classes only.

agree. i'm a cynic turned convert as well. even told a friend it caused ugly unreadable classname soup and that zero-runtime CSS-in-JS solutions (like linaria, but even css modules) could do more with a lower learning curve (because you Actually Write CSS instead of tailwind shortcuts).

then i tried learning it and it turns out that Tailwind's constraints both help my design and help with the learning curve

wrote up full thoughts in an old post https://www.swyx.io/why-tailwind

If you're using a component-based architecture (e.g. when using React, Vue or Angular), otherwise it can get pretty annoying. But if you do, it's pretty great; you don't really need the abstraction of reusable classes, when you already have reusable components, and getting rid of useless abstractions makes me a happy programmer.

This isn't meant as a contradiction of your point, but there are plenty of ways to use component-based architectures with server-side rendered apps, too, like GitHub's ViewComponent gem for Rails. https://viewcomponent.org

Also, I'd go so far as to say that if you're not using a component based architecture for your web app's view layer, you're creating a ton of extra work for yourself.

+1 Using it in a Elixir/Liveview app. Using phx_component_helper has made making those components really easy. https://phx-component-helpers-demo.onrender.com

I’d add you don’t even need ViewComponent. Layouts, partials, variants, and helper functions provide plenty of heavy lifting options when it comes to refactoring your HTML.

My take on ViewComponent: it’s what helper functions become when they grow up into proper objects. Great for larger projects, may be more infrastructure than necessary for smaller ones, adopt incrementally when they seem compelling.

Don't need it, but I've found ViewComponent to be a big win over partials. Being explicit with the available state instead of implicit has helped me catch plenty of bugs.

Yep exactly, and Tailwind does indeed still make sense with that approach!

I am using it with traditional Django + Jinja2 for templating now which is working well. With {% macro %} you basically get fully reusable “components” on the backend so there’s limited copy pasting of tailwind classes.

I would add that, even for regular HTML you can write CSS using @apply and still leverage the nice structure tailwind provides while creating your component CSS classes.

You can also just use regular webcomponents and make re-usable components regardless of frontend or backend usage.

I've seen this exact comment so many times over the past year or two that I think it's finally time that I try it out.

I was where you were and am glad I got over my reticence because it's genuinely feels like a pleasure to use now. Another good aspect is that while you're using tailwind's custom identifiers, you still have to write real CSS and so are quite likely to end up refining your own CSS skillset in the process.

" dramatically reduces your CSS build size"

Isn't this at the cost of dramatically increasing HTML size ? I have seen tailwind littered HTML increase by 2x-3x the page size with all that extra-ordinary repetition.

PS: I agree it makes CSS coding quite faster due to less typing involved when designing something thanks to succinct atomic CSS classes. I am not sure less typing is better though, especially for maintainability and performance.

Yeah, I've tried tailwindcss, but having many rules of css on one line isn't even at all legible, nor do I want to use horizontal scrolling.

This, and the tendency towards repetition, is my biggest issue with tailwind (and I still love it).

It tends to make the code pretty ugly.

There are ways to improve things somewhat (moving "bundles" of classNames into properties of a local or global cssClasses object and adding those to your elements' className), but you lose the intellisense when editing classes and it often ends up feeling like the extra friction isn't worth it. Having the styles right there seems to be a key part of what makes using tailwind so productive.

We have enough decisions to make regarding design as it is, adding organization, naming, selection, and attempting to maintain a sensible hierarchy into the mix leads to a fog of decision fatigue that I didn't realize existed until I tried Tailwind and it lifted.

There are formatters for your text editor that can help alleviate some of this.

The truth about web design is there's only a few things that repeat in semantics, that's why lowest level token works. At the end of the day, web design is mostly color, space, font, barely things that are higher. If you have some buttons and form inputs pattern, your design is almost done (excluding non-ui state/behavior).

>I couldn't fathom why anyone would ever use it. And then I used it. It seriously makes CSS significantly easier to maintain, dramatically reduces your CSS build size, and is really good for teams if you're trying to use consistent CSS throughout your UIs. You also don't need to go back and forth between CSS file and HTML file.

Same. I always said they'd pry my stylesheets from my cold dead hands. But then I tried it, and I'll never go back. I feel like it's time to let go of those last vestiges of the old "web development" paradigm, and start treating the browser as what it is; a universal VM for application development.

for haters, color management is a good starting example of why it's good.


Color management is easy in SCSS, too, though. I just have a _colors.scss file and enforce that no color is ever used that isn't in that file.

If I'm working with a designer rather than designing my own UIs, that they have a default color palette isn't helpful, so what do I gain from Tailwind?

EDIT: Reading some other comments, I wonder if part of the reason I don't see the utility is that I use Vue, not React. It sounds like Tailwind solves a lot of the same problems that Vue+SCSS does.

One good part is the generated classes for every color. Background colors, font colors, border colors... everything in the color palette is usable as `bg-blue-500`, `text-blue-500`, `border-blue-500` etc. Could be reproduced in css for sure, but it's a great set of defaults that you can utilize cross-repo. Standardization is a powerful concept.

Including Tailwind’s list of colors in an scss codebase is trivial.

Same for spacing and font sizes if you need these standardized and haven’t done it already.

Which we always did way before tailwind was invented.

The killer for SASS nowadays is CI. You're either using the (ancient, slow) Ruby implementation of SASS, or node-sass which requires a native binary build and causes headaches across environments. Furthermore, with Post-CSS, the feature set of SASS has been completely subsumed by the latest CSS standard. There's really no good reason to use it anymore.

You should really be using the dart-sass[0] build (just `sass` on npm). None of the headaches of native binaries or using ruby, its pure JavaScript (its a dart codebase transpiled to JS). It is very fast.

[0]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/#older-versions

>[0]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/#older-versions

This is awesome, really glad to see things have progressed from the node-sass days. Might have to give it another look.

It's Sass, not SASS.

The native libsass is much faster. The headaches come from people trying to distribute binaries and libraries through NPM.

If we're being pedantic technically it's npm and not NPM ;)

Oof. I did not know this one.

> npm (originally short for Node Package Manager)

Acronyms can make sense to switch case, but initialisms... en-pee-em... I guess it happens. I originally was introduced it as Node Package Manager, but I'm gonna make an effort to correct this now.

For large apps yes; all Sass compile options are slow with embedded Sass being the least slow BUT:

Does your tooling even support embedded Sass?! Vite does not. Our version of webpack does not.. The Cenobites would LOVE Sass; never ending performance pain.

I honestly think I'd quit my job if I had to go back to any other system. Not sure what could be next for maintaining / styling, but this is the best I've ever had it.

I think windicss might be better than tailwind. I'm using tailwind but I think the structure on windi is pretty good

I tried it out last year. Absolutely love it.

The future? Have you tried imba.io?

I cannot believe how anyone can look at the following code below and think that it's maintainable, just for an input box with additional styles for states:

    <input type="text" value="tbone" disabled class="mt-1 block w-full px-3 py-2
        bg-white border border-slate-300 rounded-md text-sm shadow-sm placeholder-slate-400
        focus:outline-none focus:border-sky-500 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-sky-500
        disabled:bg-slate-50 disabled:text-slate-500 disabled:border-slate-200 disabled:shadow-none
        invalid:border-pink-500 invalid:text-pink-600 focus:invalid:border-pink-500
        focus:invalid:ring-pink-500" />
How is mushing every single style into a class attribute supposed to help with readability and maintainability? Even if you use `@apply` to reduce the clutter, you are basically venturing back into "vanilla" CSS territory, and which their docs expressly said to avoid (https://tailwindcss.com/docs/reusing-styles#avoiding-prematu...).

And even if I decided to march forward with tailwind CSS despite all of this, how do I format the code? Break up the classes for different states into separate lines, like so?

    <input type="text" value="tbone" disabled class="mt-1 block w-full px-3 py-2
        bg-white border border-slate-300 rounded-md text-sm shadow-sm placeholder-slate-400

        focus:outline-none focus:border-sky-500 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-sky-500

        disabled:bg-slate-50 disabled:text-slate-500 disabled:border-slate-200 disabled:shadow-none

        invalid:border-pink-500 invalid:text-pink-600

        focus:invalid:border-pink-500 focus:invalid:ring-pink-500" />
Yeah, I do not see how this is more readable than plain CSS. Is all of this worth it, just to avoid having the developer think up of class names, or defining their own theme using CSS variables?

The problem is you're looking at a single input box. Typically those would be defined as an object and have a prop passed in to configure colors and such. You're typically using it with a frontend framework or web components. If you're in Rails you can use ViewComponents or use apply syntax for primitives. Primitives are the outlier. You define them once and they're out of the way.

Where it shines is when you're not looking at primitives. Most dev work is pushing pixels around for layouts making things responsive, padding, margins, flex direction stuff. And in those cases Tailwind shines because you aren't constantly trying to come up with class names around div and sections. You are authoring you're css right with your markup. The productivity gains is unlike any other tool you can introduce to an org.

Going back and reading a component and making modifications is incredibly nice too because I can just understand everything that's happening right out the gate. I'm not going back and forth between 2 or 3 files and trying to un nest complicated SCSS in my head.

If you are doing components in react instead of using classes how does this solve the problem of coming up with class names? You still have to come up with the class name you just apply it to your react component instead of in css.

Because you only have to name <MyInput>, not .my-input__label, .my-input__tooltip, .my-input__validation-error etc etc

Tailwind is a multi million dollar business [1] and I've found that the only credible explanation is they they simply hire people to leave positive comments in popular forums. The backenders who bite on it will eventually despair and "upgrade" to Tailwind UI which is a paid product. If there are real frontenders who buy into this, they are from a segment that have not followed CSS for the last ten years while being young enough, not to remember HTML 3.2 which appears remarkably similar to Tailwind and indeed gave birth to CSS; which if it had been inventented today would be hailed it as a giant leap forward. Well, CSS is still being invented today, but since the latest tech maps badly to presentational classes [2] they will never know about it. I use Tailwind every day and it's a disaster.

[1] https://adamwathan.me/tailwindcss-from-side-project-byproduc... [2] https://web.dev/state-of-css-2022/

This is a hell of a lot of unsubstantiated mud slinging that really adds nothing to the conversation

without even touching the pseudo selectors, your example is roughly this with vanilla css (didn't check the exact values from the TW config, just for illustration purposes)

  input {
    margin-top: 1rem;
    width: 100%;
    padding: 2rem 3rem;
    background-color: white;
    border: 1px solid slate;
    border-radius: 25%;
    font-size: 1rem;
    box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px, 
                rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 0px,
                rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 10px 15px -3px,
                rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 0px 4px 6px -2px

now, most of that is pretty straight forward - but you're just going to end up with a whole lot of copypasta when you need to implement outline/focus/shadow/etc state on many elements. and maybe on some specific instances of them you don't want that, so then you have to create a class just to override your global defaults

> Is all of this worth it, just to avoid having the developer think up of class names, or defining their own theme using CSS variables?

Yes. You're starting out with a well thought out set of variables & themes. You can tweak if you need. You can add extensions. There are lots of HTML/CSS components written for Tailwind online you can copy/pasta into your project.

But for me the biggest win is just having a ton of variables I can use. I also only use it when building component type architecture & I try to keep my components small & focused.

I do not see how this is more readable than plain CSS.

I don't think Tailwind's value proposition is "more readable than plain CSS", even though I think it is competitive in that area.

I like tailwind a lot actually, but I agree with you about the readability of some classes. It'd be cool if the vscode extension helped with that in some way.

in practice you put those in classes

    .example {
      @apply text-base font-normal text-gray-800;
And there you go.

There is only two kinds of people. The ones that don't like Tailwind and the ones that have used it.

I know it is conceptually "wrong" and a bunch of well crafted CSS classes would be more elegant. In the end it works, works really well and makes collaboration dead simple. Commonly used groups of classes can either be aliased by @apply or used in a (react) component. I used CSS way before Tailwind was a thing and in hindsight I created a lot of utility classes that resembled a weakly-structured, somewhat incomplete version of Tailwind.

It might be a bit verbose, it might be easy to abuse but it works damn well. On top of that there are some design guardrails built in that really help with the consistency of e.g spacing, colors and fonts. Easy to achieve good looking results without risking stuff always looking the same like with Bootstrap or Material.

It is a bit like Github Copilot. The only way to "get" it is to try it.

I've used Tailwind on many projects at work for about a year now. I do not like it.

Tailwind seemingly affords an easy way of writing inline styles, but it 1) clutters the HTML, 2) leads to repetition and makes people break the DRY principle (yes, you should extract to components, but people don't always do that), 3) uses names that can be similar but are not identical to CSS properties and feels like a bad abstraction.

If you use something like Svelte, where you can write local CSS within a component I fail the see the benefit of Tailwind. For me Tailwind is the most ill-conceived frontend tech I've had to use in later years.

> 1) clutters the HTML,

Or, it makes your HTML far more representative of the state of your application, rather than having to open up a CSS file and match to the class name + whatever madness you have going on in your SASS with mixins and conditional style logic.

> 2) leads to repetition and makes people break the DRY principle (yes, you should extract to components, but people don't always do that)

Blindly following DRY is dogma. Not everything can (or should) be a component. The number one mistake I see with new React developers is "over componentization", where everything is a sub component, and now I'm digging through 5 different files to work on a feature. Use the "rule of three" here. The first time you write something, don't even think about making it a component. The second time you write it, start planning how to generalize. The third time you need it, make it a component.

Copy/pasting is OK. Declaratively laying out your UI rather than generating it through configuration is OK. Having no abstractions is better than a bad or even mediocre abstraction.

I mainly work in Svelte, and I use tailwind's @apply all the time in my local component.

Mainly I get the benefits from setting the tailwind config file for things that apply across my components.

Not all of my repeatable markup lives as utilities, e.g. <a> and <buttons> — I define those classes in the scss file. Oh yeah, combining scss and tailwind also gives lots of composability options

Component local CSS is fine too, as long as you use a theme system to constrain CSS choices. I think in practice they are pretty similar, but I personally way prefer the ergonomics of Tailwind.

I actually love Svelte, but generally feel much more productive in React, in part, because Tailwind seems to work better with it.

What do you mean by tailwind works better?

Also, this is the first I’ve heard anyone proficient in both consider React more productive! I’m curious, do you think that has more to do with the amount of experience you have in React over Svelte?

Possibly, but Tailwind makes things so much faster for me. React has "better" developer tools. Perhaps I'm less proficient in Svelte, Rollup is still cryptic to me, and I haven't taken the time to use Vite/Kit yet.

Oh I think the other thing was Svelte doesn't work as well with Typescript (or I couldn't figure out how to make it work as well). I wouldn't get type hints in situations where I would with React.

Perhaps I just didn't take the time to get things set up properly. If you can link a Svelte project that uses Tailwind and Typescript I'd love to give it a clone and see if things work better.

Regarding productivity, I don't think I'm "less" productive in Svelte, especially for smaller apps. I think I've been really conditioned by React and have an easier time splitting out components and making things more modular, which makes a big difference with larger apps.

> There is only two kinds of people. The ones that don't like Tailwind and the ones that have used it.

I know a lot of people who have tried but didn't like Tailwind. I think most people like it on a greenfield project, but that number drops off when they go back to a Tailwind project after some time.

Tailwind projects are the only ones I've hopped into for my first time (i.e. never seen the codebase before) and I can immediately be productive cause I don't have to wrap my head around one specific person's ideas of how classes should work and what all the names mean.

Same applies for my own code that I come back to after a year or 2 of not having touched it. It's way easier to parse a template that declares its own styling than a template with references to style classes that may be across multiple CSS/SCSS files and are probably badly named

Meh everyone ultimately has a personal preference so it's a bit hyperbole to say that everyone that hasn't used it would like it.

Just like everything, it would depend on the project, team, and individual.

I personally was against it until I used it.

I'm apparently one of the few that tried it and didn't like it. I think it didn't click with me because we're already using Vue components to scope our styles, and honestly we don't use utility classes that much.

No at the end you end up having to learn all their classes, for almost no gain in speed of dev, and then you forget how to do stuff in CSS.

For me Tailwind barely make it anything faster but I have to learn all their classes and then I am stuck to have to relearn CSS when their is custom stuff. Maybe for greenfield or MVP sure. But if you are on a big project you have one or more designers and 99% of the time you have things that needs to be customized.

> then you forget how to do stuff in CSS

This is completely nonsensical because Tailwind classes are almost all just shorthand aliases for single CSS properties. You cannot use Tailwind without understanding CSS; it is CSS.

Re working with designers: that's why the tailwind config exists.

Yeah it freaks people out not used to the benefits of utility classes.

We're converting our app components to using Tailwind. But there was some initial resistance as the current setup of css-in-js was fine. Fine but not great, and we had ended up with a lot of weird custom css blobs over time.

One side benefit is you can just install Tailwind and use it in isolated way. Which is what I did. Converted a couple components to using Tailwind and demoed them. Got positive feedback. Most element only need a handful of classes. And the elements themselves are just normal HTML with a class.

Components feel quicker to scan now. Initially skeptical devs have noted the ease at which they can build out a new component. Without having to get bogged down in writing css.

Which to me is the real goal of Tailwind, improving DX by abstracting the boring and error prone way of writing CSS for applications.

I've tried it. It's hard to get used to. I'm very used to writing CSS using the browser devtools and there doesn't seem to be a tailwind equivalent. It's OK when I use a framework but most sites I make don't need one.

Two kinds of people -- and me, apparently. Because I'm obliged to use it occasionally and it's as if 90s html never went away.

> There is only two kinds of people. The ones that don't like Tailwind and the ones that have used it.

I exclusively write server-side templates with minimal to no javascript. I don't like Tailwind because it doesn't work for that.

Why does it not work for server-side templates?

If anything it feels like Tailwind would work great specifically for this use case

Naw, I don't feel this way. I'm not a huge fan of Tailwind. I've used it and I get the appeal, but I think it's the next flavor of the year. Next year we'll have something that supersedes it.

I've been using Tailwind since 2018, so maybe it's the flavour of the decade?

I was in the camp "this-is-bullshit" until recently. It felt backwards. We recently switched to Tailwind for one of our projects, and Tailwind was a delight to use, especially with its VS Code extension. Code readability is surprisingly not that big of a deal because we use components. Of course if you are looking at the raw HTML in chrome tools, it can get disorienting. For folks that are worried about having to learn yet another "language", the learn curve is pretty short.

I'm in the same boat. I laughed the first time I saw it on Hacker News and thought it was the dumbest replacement to just using style tags.

Boy I felt like an idiot when I started using it.

I spend way less time going from idea in my head to actual concept now.

Foolish boy.

yep. With the VSCode extension, you don't even need to read the docs. I would just type in what I thought I wanted, and most of the time it would work. It's awesome.

I've found Tailwind to be great for getting a project going quickly. It's pleasant to use when you get started, but it can become a pain later on when you have a lot of styles to maintain. I've been using it everyday at work for a year and a half, and wished I would have known a few things before I started using it. Here are a few:

1 - It encourages styling on the fly. Because it is faster initially, you don't have to constantly switch between a CSS file and your markup, it feels good to style it as you go, and gives you an initial productivity boost. But it can cost you in technical debt later, so be careful.

2 - It makes your markup really messy. You end up repeating the same utility classes over and over. Then you can forget which utility class you used for things that should be defined globally like spacing or colors, and have components with different styles and not one place where you can change it.

3 - It makes debugging styles in the browser difficult (you change the style of one class, it affects everything, not just the tag/component you are working on. Having component-based classes allows you to debug styling on individual components much easier. I find myself debugging by actually adding the utility classes to the markup.

4 - You have to memorize another name for every many css properties (e.g. line-height => leading), or just be constantly in the docs. VSCode extensions are helpful, but it does not always detect that you are trying to type a Tailwind class, esp. if it's dynamically generated classnames. It can also make VSCode run slower.

5 - Some CSS properties are missing values as options, so you have to customize it out of the gate (e.g. min-height) or use the custom m-h-[value] syntax, but why not make all of tailwind like this?

6 - Trying to sync Tailwind configurations between projects (e.g. between a component library and an application) can become tedious.

Like anything, I think good styling is probably a combination of global styles, utility classes, and component classes. Something like Tailwind + Bootstrap + SASS on top of your own custom classes might make for a good tool, IMO.

1. Being able to run a dev build (with no PurgeCSS) and use the .cls area of dev tools to quickly throw together TW classes to get stuff sorted, then carry over to the final resting place is wonderful. Compared to manually typing each property and value on the element and then copypasta'ing from there.

2. If you need to use the same group of utility classes over and over, extract to a class - either with @apply (if you want to keep the flexibility of config updates) or vanilla.

3. I'm not sure I'm following here - if you're changing the value of a tailwind class, you should do that via the config

4. I've found the naming differences easy enough to follow - line-height vs leading makes sense if you come from a design background. I think the biggest gotcha I had early on was everything is mobile first by default - so sm:* is actually _larger_ than the default.

5. the JIT is a wonderful addition, but does come with overhead currently - so that's why it (i assume) isn't just the default way of doing things.

6. not a problem i've run across, but why would a component config supersede an app config?

to your last point, we use tailwind in conjunction with a fair amount of legacy sass to do what we need (many small nuances, spread across 4 different sites, that are otherwise the same) - I would urge against mixing tailwind and SASS if only for the build speed, PostCSS should be able to do everything you need there and it'll just make the builds a bit faster.

tho I feel like what myself and my team works on is a far cry from your standard HN web app - so my experiences are probably very different.

Im sorry but I don’t understand how anyone can look at that and think it’s a good way to build UIs. I’m almost certainly in the wrong, considering how popular this library seems to be getting, but holy heck that looks like a tedious mess to work with. It’s like you have to learn every raw CSS selector, and then also learned how it’s represented in Tailwind, and then scatter that all over your markup.

It’s like you have to learn every raw CSS selector, and then also learned how it’s represented in Tailwind, and then scatter that all over your markup.

That's exactly what it is.

But... you have to do that regardless of what you use for CSS layout. If you're not using Tailwind (or something like it) then you're going to end up creating classes using the raw CSS, and then naming them yourself, and then having to remember what you called them. Hopefully you're good at that and you can remember, else you'll duplicate things. Hopefully your entire team are aligned on the same naming conventions, or your project's styles will be a total mess.

Maybe you'll use styled-components or another CSS-in-JS solution, which helps a bit by making your styles scoped to components so they don't interfere with things outside of where they should, but then you'll have to keep a set of constants to use across all of them anyway, which puts you back at the same problem as plain CSS - you need to remember what's been set, and not duplicate things.

Ultimately, Tailwind is a really well designed abstraction of inline styles that means you don't have to worry about inconsistency and duplication of things any more. It's another thing to learn but because it's so similar to raw CSS it's not actually a lot of effort. It works well.

> If you're not using Tailwind (or something like it) then you're going to end up creating classes using the raw CSS, and then naming them yourself, and then having to remember what you called them.

This is true. But if we better taught the cascade and promoted the idea of global styles rather than pretending it's a problem then more people would be better at this and the problems would gently recede.

We (the high-end front-end dev community) have fallen into the habit of using class names where we really wanted IDs and using components when we really wanted global styles. I feel we have been pushed in this direction by developers who didn't understand the technology properly. The Tailwind author clearly understands it, so I'm not targeting them... but they are supporting the people who don't see why the cascade is useful.

We have megabytes of code to create the impression of global consistency (components, style libraries, CSS-modules...) shipped to millions of users every hour. Browsers do that for us already. Embrace the simplicity of

button { border: foo; color: bar; } .callout button { color: aux; }

It's so clear, so elegant. The obsession with modularising everything, and then applying a DSL to get between the modules, makes the language's inherent convenience, elegance and clarity so much harder to work with that it boggles my mind.

> It's so clear, so elegant.

The thesis of Tailwind is that the cascade actually becomes very unclear and inelegant at scale, and I would say the reason it's so popular is that many devs share that experience.

Cascading is excellent for websites. Terrible for applications. There's no concept of anything even remotely similar in any other UI technology. Native applications have use the "scoped component" paradigm for decades, and the web is finally catching up.

This is the crux of it really. It makes a whole lot of sense to have cascading styles in documents. I don’t want to have to explicitly set a text colour for each individual paragraph.

But the opposite is largely true for UI elements. For one, I’m probably using some external templating or component framework to repeat them, because they mostly likely have behaviour attached and HTML by itself has no good story for that. For two, I pretty much never want their styling to be modified by the context in which they’re used.

> This is the crux of it really. It makes a whole lot of sense to have cascading styles in documents. I don’t want to have to explicitly set a text colour for each individual paragraph.

But that’s what you’re doing when you use scoped styles, components, Tailwind etc.

Just set it once, on body and forget about it for the lifetime of your app.

> I pretty much never want their styling to be modified by the context in which they’re used.

I guess we have worked on different projects. To me this sounds like the edge case. Most projects I’ve worked on want all the components/widgets/thingies in one consistent style that works together for a cohesive overall experience. For such situations (which to me feel like the majority case) the cascade is the simplest tool.

>Most projects I’ve worked on want all the components/widgets/thingies in one consistent style that works together for a cohesive overall experience. For such situations (which to me feel like the majority case) the cascade is the simplest tool.

This is the distinction to me. New methods in composing a page approach this differently: style consistency is maintained through dependencies and a build process rather than relying on context. To understand the styling I'm applying to a given HTML elemnt, I can look to the packages going into the build (just as a I do with other aspects of the code) rather than needing to understand every context my component could possibly be invoked within.

We collectively tried the approach you’re describing, and we stopped doing it because it sucks. It looks nice in simple cases, but the lack of encapsulation or locality makes it impossible to change upstream styles without breaking something somewhere else. Also you have to use horrible BEM-style names to avoid accidental collisions between styles from different parts of your app, which kind of ruins the elegance in itself.

If your projects are small enough that relying on the cascade is a reliable option, you probably don’t need tailwindcss. If you’re working with 50+ devs on the same code base with many moving parts and shared components, you can’t afford to verify whether the cascade breaks something on every single change. So imo there’s nothing inherently wrong with your post, it’s just that tailwindcss doesn’t really excel until you’re working with a bunch of people authoring css in a shared codebase. (That said, now that I’ve drunk the kool aid I use tailwind or windi css even on my own projects. It’s pretty great once you know it.)

But this isn't much different than:

<Button class=`border text-gray ${override}`/>

<CalloutButton /> extends <Button override="text-blue" />

I'd argue you have less markup to write overall if you are modularizing component logic/styling

One gripe I have with tailwind, is overriding styles is difficult. The .text-blue style will only override .text-gray if it is declared later in the css document.

for example if the corresponding css file is this: .text-blue { color: blue; } .text-gray { color: gray; }

Then in your above example, both Button and CalloutButton will have gray text because .test-gray has higher specificity than .text-blue

The difference is that your website will be much larger and won't work without JavaScript.

And what about your :hover, ::before etc, where do you put those? (genuinely curious)

> Hopefully you're good at that and you can remember, else you'll duplicate things. Hopefully your entire team are aligned on the same naming conventions, or your project's styles will be a total mess.

  - CSS classes can be named on a per-component basis, according to one of the well-established naming conventions (BEM, SMACSS, or whatever). This does not require remembering the names of other classes.
  - With the arrival of web components, styles can be scoped within the shadow DOM; and the name collision becomes a non-issue; as well as keeping track of _all_ the CSS that's written in the project. If CSS classes don't leak, you can focus your attention only on a given component and ignore the rest.
  - Instead of CSS-in-JS, one could use CSS modules, which are just regular CSS with a build step. The relevant project-level (site-level, page-level) constants can be defined as CSS constants on the root element.

my thought exactly, sometimes I wonder when reading about tailwind... naming css classes has been a problem exactly 0 times in recent memory...

It seems like the main advantage of tailwind is that you don't have to learn how CSS cascading and specificity works, which is a fair advantage as most frontend developers I talk to don't even realise that specificity is a thing.

I don't see the advantage over inline style tho. I see abbreviations as a disadvantage as its just as fast to type background as it is bg but background is clearly more intelligible.

How do you deal with side effects for example I think bg-red is the brand red but some one has modified that class so it now has a border. You could prevent this with convention but then you have the same issues as using css with specificity and people not understanding the conventions around it.

I think its easier for every one to just force your frontend developers to just learn CSS and use it.

Tailwind is actually a lot like inline styles in certain ways. Whether that's a good thing or not depends on your use case. If you are using a component based framework it ends up, IMO, being way better and less complicated to use the abstraction you already have, your components, as your styling abstraction rather than trying to layer a second abstraction (the cascade approach) on top of it.

The biggest advantage over inline styles is that you are constrained. The idea is that you set up the primitives for your application's styling system: which colors are in use, which font weights, all the way to things like which border radii are valid. Your devs can then only use those.

You are correct that theoretically you can modify them to do anything, but in practice I find that people are extremely unlikely to violate the scheme (in ways like you described, adding a border to bg-red).

As for abbreviations? I think that's probably just eye of the beholder. Since you tend to add a lot of these to your HTML it helps it not get too ridiculously out of hand.

I spent years working with more traditional CSS schemes (including my all time least favorite, BEM), and it was pretty consistently a nightmare within the context of component driven applications. For a while now I've worked with tailwind and it feels like a massive step in the right direction.

I think it's one of those things that really doesn't make sense until you try it and feel the difference for yourself.

Tailwind has a lot of advantages if you read the documentation rather than conjecture about what you think it might do.

>...which is a fair advantage as most frontend developers I talk to don't even realise that specificity is a thing.

Really? I'm not sure I could take someone seriously if they called themselves a frontend developer and did not understand CSS specificity.

> you're going to end up creating classes using the raw CSS

A program can read what looks like inline css and produce class names for youand put those in class files.

When developing your see "height 20px" In your app its compiled to "h-20" with a css file "h-20: height 20"

This is better because you don't have to learn another way to express the same logic.

So Tailwind with more steps

Why not use actual inline CSS instead of that?

> That's exactly what it is.

Which is why this is basically reinventing inline styles. With some shorthand.

How did we go from removing <u> and <b> to calling it <div class="bold" an improvement?

It's a lot like inline styles. The big advantage is that you create a design language with the helper classes, and then your devs are constrained to use it. No one can add a border radius of 11 if you only have utility classes for 8 and 16, or whatever. Historically you couldn't do that if you were using inline styles.

You could do it with a cascading approach, but if you're building a component based application (this is what Tailwind is really for) then you already have an abstraction for re-usability. Trying to layer another one on top usually results in a really difficult to reason about mess of interlacing components and style classes.

In short it's a way to use an inline-type styling approach, which is suitable for component based apps, without giving up the ability to constrain developers to a limited design language.

There are a TON of other benefits for utility classes over inline, but I think what I described is the biggest one (media queries, pseudo selectors, stylesheet caching for reduced page load, etc.)

> How did we go from removing <u> and <b> to calling it <div class="bold" an improvement?

You can still use <u> and <b> if you want to. Adding a utility bold class also works fine.

It pushes you to componentize common UI elements. Feel bad to have long utility classes that look like <button class="bg-blue-700 border border-transparent hover:bg-blue-900 ring-2 ring-offset-2">. Change it to:

<submit-button>Submit</submit-button> using whatever tooling you prefer.

If you don't use this style, maybe you won't like it.

I've found it's a waste of time to extract classes for items that are not repeated. And putting utilities in components lightens your "master" CSS file and makes it a lot easier to work with CSS.

I've found that the "cascading" part of style sheets almost always breaks down in larger projects. Small components seem to avoid those breakdowns while allowing for reusability.

> It pushes you to componentize common UI elements. Feel bad to have long utility classes that look like <button class="bg-blue-700 border border-transparent hover:bg-blue-900 ring-2 ring-offset-2">. Change it to: <submit-button>Submit</submit-button> using whatever tooling you prefer.

Even when you do that, you're still delivering the long, repetitive mark-up to the browser, rather than relying on the CSS engine to handle this for you. You're making the DOM MUCH MUCH heavier than it needs to be and ignoring the rendering engine that's optimised to handle this role. It seems wasteful all 'round. I confess I'm guessing here, and haven't tested it, but I suspect a simple, axiomic CSS file and simpler HTML file would produce faster rendering than Tailwind, and travel over the network faster.

Tailwind improves the developer experience at the expense of badly optimised code bloating and slowing the user experience. The developer experience benefits are debatable, too: I freaking hate using CSS toolkits and would much rather just write CSS or SASS bespoke to my apps. I have more control and can tailor a solution for the problem.

> I confess I'm guessing here, and haven't tested it

Maybe you shouldn't make unsubstantiated claims like this then?

> Tailwind improves the developer experience at the expense of badly optimised code bloating and slowing the user experience.

I only say this because if your claims about performance are wrong, your comment seems to boil down to "I don't like CSS frameworks," which is fine, nobody's forcing you to use Tailwind.

The overhead from processing class names is trivial.

Things like ads or heavy images actually slow the user experience. This type of thing isn't worth worrying about.

> Even when you do that, you're still delivering the long, repetitive mark-up to the browser, rather than relying on the CSS engine to handle this for you.

The crazy repetition of classes gzips away though so there really isn’t any extra overhead.

I wonder if this new element is compatible with a blind person’s screen reader. Any input?

That is called Class in CSS...

This is all so played out now.

People that haven't used Tailwind come along and say, "this is silly, just use css". The people who have used it say, "you should try it, it's not what you think."

There are a bunch of subtle differences with Tailwind that make it quite a different experience.

Really, it's closer to inline-styles++ than anything else. The style only applies to the element you're styling. This is by design as it means you can change that one style without wondering what else you've broken across your app.

But you get variations that inline styles can't do (and aren't fun to do in css either): `text-green hover:text-red dark:hover:text-white` (interaction states, light/dark mode, responsive etc etc). This makes a huge difference when you're actually building this stuff.

Personally, from a DX point of view, I really like it. I find it faster than anything else when I'm building and it's easy to debug too; no need to fish for the styles, they're inline on the element I'm styling.

The biggest wart is the inability to functionally build up styles. For example, you have a bunch of js and you need to flip between several different colour states (say for an input that has "disabled | errored | valid | pristene"). There's no great way to force one of your classes to "win" because they're all just classes and the way they were added to the page will determine which border colour wins, for example.

I totally thought this until I started using it on a full project. Six months in and I can't imagine writing traditional CSS or nested SASS classes anymore.

Combined with either Flexbox or CSS Grid, the speed with which you can put together a good looking web page is crazy fast.

I thought it looked silly when I started my current job and saw it for my first time in their frontend applications.

Took a little bit to get the hang of, but once I did I was working WAY faster without the mental overhead of having to cross reference 2 text files (HTML + CSS) to build the same UI, keep them in sync, come up with names, etc. I iterate so much quicker, refactoring is so much faster cause you can literally just cut and paste a block of elements, throw them somewhere else, and they just render properly cause you brought the styles along with them. Screen size breakpoints make it so much easier to make responsive UIs. You get a free, built-in layout and color system.

It eliminated basically all the major painpoints of building UIs that I had before. I use it in all my personal projects now.

Is it not because you forgot CSS and instead remember the tailwind names?


No, I still know CSS but I can’t imagine coming up with class names for everything then going to a different file to define rules. Feels so long winded and hard to keep on top of.

I thought the same thing before requiring to use it on an open-source project I was collaborating on.... it changed my mind within a few hours. It is a God send.

Like others have said, the selector logic is top-notch and not having to build your own styles is great as they are pre-defined. You can always modify the styles any way you want and add your own custom ones too.

It looks "gross", but it's very practical. If you follow the best standards for component sizing, you should never really have much of a problem with the styling getting in the way.

I've noticed this pattern with Tailwind specifically where people who look at it hate it, but people who tried it love it. I've tried it, and I like it.

This phenomenon encourages me to try something out before forming an opinion.

It generally seems like the only objection is “it looks weird” whereas the people who use it invariably say it dramatically improves ease of development and prevention of bugs.

If your project is setup to use Tailwind in watch mode where you can view your changes at every save, there's nothing quite as productive.

You get fast iterations without ever having to leave your markup to hunt down to find all the classes elements are using which uses their own structure & nomenclature, esp. if you need to support responsive layouts which every project implements differently that usually grows into some unmaintainable mess. With tailwind's utility classes it's all right there on the element, using intuitive prefixes and shorthand class names derived from the CSS properties it uses.

It's also the only framework I've used where you can copy markup from a number of different sources and it will look exactly the same as the preview where you got it from without it being distorted by the websites leaking cascading CSS styles.

Tailwind is a thin wrapper for the people scared of CSS. I use Tailwind at work, and it opened my mind to the benefits of an "ugly" html layout with inline styling. However, being there now, I think that inline CSS offers the better "Tailwind experience" - CSS requires no setup, and learning it properly is a good investment for the future when Tailwind, like so many other frameworks, will inevitably end up on the frontend dumpster fire.

Inline CSS has a few HUGE drawbacks compared to Tailwind, but I think the biggest by far is that your devs are totally unconstrained in what they can do for styling. You're forced to rely solely on convention to not, for example, violate your color palette, or use the wrong border radius, or the wrong padding value. For a small app with a small team and no concrete design system that's not a big deal. At scale that is absolutely massive.

A few of the other advantages of Tailwind: - reduced noise in the markup compared to raw inline styles, with the underlying styles getting cached by the browser - utility classes can contain multiple properties that should always go together - media queries!

You should learn what CSS is actually doing as well, but realistically Tailwind is, like you said, a pretty thin wrapper on CSS. Learning Tailwind usually just means learning CSS, with some different property names.

how would you use media queries or pseudo selectors in inline CSS?

I was about to say, if anything it shows there is demand for the style tag to handle pseudo selectors. Setting up some CSS variables on the root and accessing them through the style tags would provide most of the benefit of Tailwind.

Good point, I don't know of any way of doing that inline. So that's definitely a good convenience function in Tailwind!

My lived approach to inline vs. not-inline is: why not both? Inline is great for prototyping, and for edge cases, like specific margins for wrapper divs. Where CSS classes really shine is when it comes to mature / often used components.

Pseudo elements as well

I'm with you. I'm pretty into neat experimental frontend + css stuff, and I'm baffled by how passionate Tailwind's fans are. It always feels like there's something I'm missing.

In all fairness, I've never actually tried it.

> In all fairness, I've never actually tried it.

I was of your opinion until I tried it. Been using it for over a year on my current project, now.

I recently built a little prototype without using Tailwind, and man… I didn’t realize how big a quality of life improvement Tailwind is until I stopped using it. It’s really hard to imagine going back.

Edit: I’ve been building websites since 2000, and know CSS quite well, and hope to never write much CSS again.

Agreed - they even include almost at the top of their homepage [1] a quote from the creator which includes: "If you can suppress the urge to retch long enough to give it a chance, I really think you’ll wonder how you ever worked with CSS any other way."

[1]: https://tailwindcss.com/

> In all fairness, I've never actually tried it.

That's what you're missing. Try it.

You should give it a shot, but IMO what makes it worth it is the Tailwind Intellisense plugin. I can design an element in just a few keystrokes, it's amazing.

You have to learn the browser layout model, yes - you need to know what flexbox is, or how padding or transforms or line height works. But Tailwind provides sensible defaults for how those things are applied, which removes a lot of potential for screwups. It also removes most of the potential for badly “architected” CSS, where you accidentally end up with a set of classes that don’t compose together in a predictable fashion. This greatly lowers the cognitive burden, which helps when collaborating with others or even with your past and future self.

I get that it is aesthetically ugly, but if you can stop caring about that then you might find that it’s better on most other dimensions.

> It’s like you have to learn every raw CSS selector, and then also learned how it’s represented in Tailwind, and then scatter that all over your markup.

In my experience, tailwind is pretty close to the real CSS properties. What I found to be wonderful and freeing about it is that it stops the middle step of engineering and naming classes and naming elements with class names and let's you just do styling. There's also a really great plugin for VS code that adds intellisense. Personally I found the modifiers that allow you to target pseudo selectors like :hover to be a superpower. I totally understand the other side of the argument though. It's a lot.

CSS has special syntax for media queries, hover states, dark mode etc. If anything, once you are into it Tailwind is far more "guessable".

Correct, but wring all of those can get confusing and adding a single psudoselector syntax for something is at least a few lines and figuring out how to organize css. Scss is definitely better for this but even then it's a bit nebulous remembering which selector has the states in them.

> and then scatter that all over your markup

This is not how you use Tailwind. Back then there was no such concept as component, so people need to write CSS classes to encapsulate and reuse styles.

Now Components are everywhere, and when you write components and CSS classes at the same time, you're non-obviously duplicating structures (Write components, then write classes corresponding that component).

In essence, Tailwind (or styled components and such) makes component mechanic as your single source of abstraction.

I wasn't a big fan of the idea before trying it and then I tried it for a small project. I get the appeal, but as the project grew in complexity, I found I disliked managing tailwind

But the experience while writing the code is pretty excellent. It made me realize that what I really want (personally) is to have my css inlined in my editor when writing / editing it, and otherwise remain out of the way in my css file.

Oooo. That’s an interesting idea. Being able to toggle className to be `className=“…”` in vim.

Would be interesting to see what an experience of being able to toggle between classless and class-only jsx looked like.

That would make it more appealing for me. Just saw this proposal:

"Add the option to hide class attribute in vscode plugin" https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/7922

Building UIs with typesetting engine and bunch of styling classes is fundamentally wrong. CSS is broken by definition. Tailwind makes it a bit less broken on practice.

The usual answer, however trite, is "don't knock it till you've tried it."

I haven't found a convincing explanation of why exactly this is better until I've used it in a project, and since then I'm completely sold. The semantic CSS concern separation pipe dream has always been snake oil in real projects.

Long live Tailwind.

I ended up deleting like 30% of my React components after switching to Tailwind, because suddenly they just felt like unnecessary overhead. Tailwind FTW.

Also - no more constant switching between the HTML and the corresponding style rules

I do not know much about CSS but Tailwind was very straightforward, and through it I got to learn things in CSS which weren't made obvious before. It's funny that you use the terms "tedious mess" because that's exactly how I feel about CSS without it. Handling screen sizes, print, colors, and simple layouts.. all that seems way too annoying to do in pure CSS to my non-frontend-dev mind, and trivial to do with Tailwind.

Any time spent learning tailwind is much better invested in learning plain CSS, since it's basically just syntactic sugar for style attributes. And learning CSS itself will be useful for many years to come, well beyond the lifetime of any given framework.

The browser's built-in CSS support is the framework, I don't understand why people try to build things like this on top of it unless they're adding real value.

But it does add real value.

Aside from creating a standard naming scheme for your style guide, they also simplify specific CSS tag features by ensuring they can be consistent across browsers without you having to tweak each style.

Outside of that, they acknowledge that you're not going to use custom CSS tags that often because 9 times out of 10 you're going to style something in one place in a template and your programming language will repeat it for you...so there's no real value to creating a dedicated class.

Another that I've found over the lifecycle of a project is that developers forget what CSS is where and end up simply creating new classes for things that they need rather than trying to reuse existing ones...which leads to your CSS growing constantly over time. With Tailwind I rebuilt my entire personal site, brightball.com and ended up with 20 lines of custom CSS. This after restyling the entire site and making it responsive. And I was able to do all of it in an afternoon without ever having even made a responsive site before.

What they've done is created "Rails for Style Guides" and it works beautifully. The Refactoring UI book (fast read) from the authors of Tailwind goes into the importance and reasoning for everything they do and it makes absolutely perfect sense.


It's really not just syntatic sugar for style.

It's a design system as well as a set of utility classes. Consider the difference between

<span style="color: #cccccc">Gray text</span> and <span class="text-gray-700">Gray text</span>

In the former, you can't just redefine what gray means. You've hard set it to a value you need to keep track of and keep consistent. On the right, you can configure what "700" means, switch between a cool gray or a blue gray, etc.

So use a custom property instead (don’t use inline styles tho):

    <span style=“color: var(--text-gray-700)”>Gray text</span>
Or use Sass or something. This problem has been solved for like 15 years.

I want the styles to be in the template though, because I don't want to bounce back and forth between 2 files when designing a single UI. And it's not just inline styles, there's some things Tailwind can do that a style tag can't. Such as screen size breakpoints.

Here's how to make a div have 0.5rem of left/right padding on mobile, and 2rem on any screen larger:

    <div class="px-2 sm:px-8">
I'd much rather do this than mess with CSS's horrible media query syntax myself. And when I come back to this later, I don't have to cross-reference between (probably badly named) classes across 2 files to figure out how that div behaves.

Okay, but now we’re back to Tailwind being back to syntactic sugar for styles (you can definitely put media queries in a style tag).

I disagree with your preference; all the classnames are not easily parseable and obscure the markup, and I much prefer the CSS media query syntax. But that’s, like, just my opinion, man. If you like it better, don’t let me stop you!

>(you can definitely put media queries in a style tag)


    <style>@media (min-width: 100px) {}</style>

This is what tailwind does already. Colors are defined as design tokens in a config file:


Utility CSS is by far my favorite way to write CSS, especially in teams. It allows you to extract out multiple classnames that encapsulate all styles into a single classname.

Why would you use Sass when plain CSS does the job better? Tailwind is just normal CSS, all the build steps are ways of making your stylesheets more efficient and removing dead code but it's all still CSS no preprocessor necessary.

Those are both just opaque values, if you wanted to gsub them it would be exactly the same.

Because most people worry more about maintainability, ease of writing, modifying, performance, resulting bundle size, tooling, consistency, etc and very few about "how it looks".

Everyone that complains about tailwind is because they didn't use it yet.

Yes, looks weird at first. That's not everything that matters.

I use Bootstrap components. I’ll use Bootstrap utility classes (essentially what TailwindCSS is) for some one-off margin bottom (“mb-3”). Using TailwindCSS alone seems bad to me. Using TailwindCSS is pointless when using Bootstrap (Bootstrap Utilities)

I had the exact same opinion after working with tailwind for a week, but then, after a couple more weeks, I fell in love and decided that this is what CSS should have been from the start.

Completely agree with you. I greatly prefer something like PicoCSS (https://picocss.com/) which tries to use plain HTML5 as much as possible.

Interesting. I like the idea of clean HTML. It's probably great for small projects but I'm not sure it would scale for bigger applications.

In my experience with larger applications no matter what CSS framework you use you eventually want to ditch it and move to fully custom CSS. Starting with this kind of a clean HTML base makes that easier IMO.

That was my experience... until I used Tailwind. The thing is, it basically is fully custom CSS. It's just inline since you already have a re-usability abstraction if you are building a component based application. It's not even really a CSS framework at all. It's infinitely less prescriptive than what you usually see.

I gave it a shot and now I like it. I don't have to add classes to my HTML and separate my CSS. I find it more maintainable. The built-in config and colors are also quite good.

I nearly always use the built-in config. Though oddly enough, I don't like the new colors (>=3.0 I think), because there's just too many of them now. What I appreciated was the restricted option set; now it just feels like I need to worry about design decisions, which is what Tailwind let me not worry about.

I have eight years in full stack development experience and after tried four times Tailwind a chance now I am back to Bulma and going steadily.

I'm really tired of needing to wade through these sort of comments. This is not a unique criticism.

If you don't don't get it, either try it out or move on.

These comments add no value to the conversation.

My apologies for having a discussion on a discussion forum

I tried it out for a project and I regret it. Following reasoning:

- CSS was created so no inline styling would be necessary. By assigning CSS attributes to classes we are back at inline styling. The html just explodes if you don't put the tailwind classes somewhere else, but then again, CSS is already here for that

- one wastes time learning new naming conventions. Most frontend developers have internalised CSS attributes

- it runs through a javascript lib. That makes the setup more complicated. Browsers support CSS natively so why build something on top of that

I think there's a chance that you're using it in a project it isn't suited to. For your first reason, component driven applications provide a compelling reason to go "back" to inline styling. You already have your abstraction, and adding another one (cascading styles) does you no favors. It just creates two interleaving re-usability schemes that are a nightmare to maintain in parallel. This is the same reason that component-local CSS has become very popular.

Second one is a reasonable enough criticism. Never bothered me, but I think it's fair.

Third: it's really designed for bundled, JS-based, component driven applications. In that context it's a breeze to set up, and really no more difficult than native CSS. By the way, the reason they do that is so it can do some clever things like removing the utility classes from the CSS that you actually ship to reduce payload size. There's no reason that you can't just build the entirety of Tailwind and just ship that as your CSS.

it isn't really _designed_ for JS based applications, but if you're not at least running vite/webpack/etc with PurgeCSS then your builds will be rather bloated and you lose out on customizing the settings - if you really just don't care, then you can run the default CDN build

I describe tailwind to people as a lightweight, classname-based abstraction over vanilla css rules.

Unlike bootstrap where the button classname represents a collection of inherently opinionated and obfuscated css rules, the classnames map directly to the rules themselves - without any obfuscation behind a button class or opinions about what a button is. You can look at a tailwind classname and understand exactly what css rule is being applied. It's universally repulsive at first sight. Everyone who loves tailwind said "hell no" - but they pushed through it and ultimately understood the value in it.

The reason that Bootstrap can't continue to exist as it does currently is because our js implementations have taken center stage and bootstrap requires a js implementation for many of its components. This means to use bootstrap with react for instance, you need a third party lib like reactstrap.

Tailwind is JS agnostic and frees you up to use the react (ng, vue, etc) ecosystem's idiomatic implementations for things like tooltips without adopting an entire bootstrap abstraction like reactstrap. Any respectable UI lib will allow you to pass classnames as props. You just pass in some tailwind classes as props and call it a day.

If your initial reaction is "this is ugly" I encourage you to dig deeper. Imagine never having to think of a name for a css class or context switch in to a 400 line css file to figure out what button means. I like tailwind :)

Am I only one that feeling like code readability is a bit gross?

Plain HTML yes.

Using a web framework? No.

It is clever in that half of it is missing: the componentisation that React (etc.) brings with it makes this shine.

You can also define normal CSS classes based on the utility classes if you so wish.

Tailwind after 4 hours of learning curve is so much nicer than cutting css or using old skool css frameworks. Some of that is because ready designed components exist that you can copy.

With an old skool css framework once you hit an edge case you can be snookered and spend ages diagnosing why because of some clever stuff they done.

Tailwind says “yeah css was a bad idea, let us abstract it away a bit” and does a nice job.

Yep but unfortunately the "classic" way of writing CSS does look equally awful after some time with multiple people on a larger project. The html is cleaner but the CSS becomes an awful mess.

The moment the first important! or inline stuff creeps into the page you are doomed. Utility frameworks feel a bit like giving up at the start and just rolling with it.

The major problem i see with these frameworks is that it is harder to maintain a consistent style across teams or even a few devs.

Usually you build reusable components with tailwind, so that you archive DRY. With React for example (or any other technology).

The huge benefit is, that you don’t split up HTML and CSS, you only write HTML.

At least with a Tailwind attribute you know what you are getting.

A named CSS class can contain any definition and even if you are certain of those definitions, they can change depending on what the element is contained within.

You use refactoring/code structure techniques just like with regular code. Group stuff into components that belong together, use sensible names etc.

The cost of tailwind is that you do a bit of upfront work, when defining your design system/tokens in their config. The benefit is high default performance (css is less bloated) and high productivity because you tend not to switch to CSS/SCSS and get a natural DRYness from working with it.

But ergonomics are so much better. I’ve seen my team increase throughput dramatically after switching to tailwind.

I’ve used Tailwind in quite a few projects at this point. It’s a bit gross, yeah. But overall that’s a small price to pay for all the benefits it brings.

No, there are in fact many people who do not read the docs.


People here are complaining about how Tailwind is annoying because the className strings are too long. The correct solution is to write a quick 1-file helper.

See: https://gist.github.com/vedantroy/80fb2feb21b07b6f53032b8725...

I wrote that. It allows me to do stuff like:

    const Button = tw.div(`
Any complaint about how tailwind forces overly long class names should probably look at this comment first.

I’m not sure if JSX supports it but Vue templates and of course just regular old HTML allows a class to span multiple lines anyway. It doesn’t all have to be on one huge line.

Utility classes aren't Tailwind's invention and neither are style systems/constraints.

I even believe that their particular implementation is a total mess with way too much and continuous overhead, and that you're probably better off building your own system.

Tailwind's implementation is a total mess. I have a custom preset for UnoCSS [1] focused on Tailwind compatability and use that for my company's low code platform. It's a couple orders of magnitude better for both size and latency and switching has allowed me to delete all the supporting code I'd written to work around Tailwind-the-implementation's shortcomings. I have minor complaints about Uno but I recommend it if you're having trouble with Tailwind.

[1] https://github.com/unocss/unocss

If you mean build your own design system then I've built four separate design systems in SCSS since 2009. I've been fine with switching to Tailwind instead because I can get similar results customizing the theme, it's more comprehensive than my systems, and the network effect advantages of somethign popular vs my one-off thing.

I just learned tailwind a couple weeks ago for a small project. I really love it—I've gone from being a CSS hater to not having to think much about CSS.

The documentation is excellent, with working examples. It has taught me about CSS properties I didn't know existed. Instead of attempting to grok the entirety of the MDN docs, I can quickly use configurations that work. (The ubiquitous Seinfeld references are an enjoyable treat, too, though YMMV.)

The other important piece is that the tooling is great. I use the VS Code extension, and beyond the excellent intellisense, the extension gives me exactly which properties and values are generated by the Tailwind classes when I mouseover.

The only "complaint" I have is that sometimes in larger projects, I'd want to create reusable style components (almost like traits) that could be reused in components that appear similar but whose behavior is distinct. This is a minor complaint because Tailwind actually allows for this, but the syntax is slightly awkward.

In all, I'm much more productive, and I imagine my code is more maintainable. It's certainly smaller without dozens of lines of CSS including the commented out sections.

I like the Tailwind approach, but I still start projects with Bootstrap, because it comes with a nicer out-of-the-box experience.

Also, it seems to me that Bootstrap started following the utility-classes approach more and more over the years (px-1, flex-column, etc.)

Bootswatch themes are nice too.

Having used bootstrap 5 on project, I love the new utility classes. Find myself using them all the time, having been sceptical of that style of css I’m a compleat convert.

I think BS 5 is a nice middle ground between the older BS and Tailwind.


BS5 is pretty nice, but it could be smaller, haha.

Every time I see TailwindCSS code I feel like the world has gone crazy or I've just got too old.

or you might just be working on stuff where the abstractions don't provide a lot of benefit.

Next we need a TailwindCSS CSSZenGarden demo.

...flashback to maybe 2003 and the Zen Garden blowing my mind!

I would recommend open props over tailwind. No special tooling, no JIT complexity, just straight up css variables / json tokens. You're also not stuck littering your markup with tailwind classes later that can become difficult to track down if you ever do want to refactor / change methods.

cool, not sure how that works in PHP tho

I think part of the tailwind appeal is the top-notch integration into vscode. It made the learning experience even better for me. One of my favorite features are the large but limited color palettes in combination with states. I always found it messy to add another once-used button style to bootstrap, plus, then suddenly my button lives in multiple files.

Here‘s a nice green example button, written out of my head during my holidays: rounded p-2 border text-green-800 bg-green-100 hover:bg-green-200 active:bg-green-300 border-green-200 hover:border-green-300 active:border-green-400

It‘s long but somehow it‘s easy, readable, customizable and consistent. The limitations are still there though, just think of transitions and animations.

Personally, I would also be happy if inline styles wouldn‘t be with their limitations, but that entirely another topic.

Fun Tailwind play story: I developed nearly my entire site using it. All the IDEs were simply slower. With Tailwind’s component based approach, it was no problem to develop each part in isolation and plug it in once it looked good on their playground.

Tailwind feels so wrong. But then you try it. Never been more happy building web apps!

For someone who usually avoids divs in favor of semantic tags, that many divs makes me uncomfortable ;-)

I presume the use of so many divs is a stylistic choice and not a requirement?

Yes, you can add Tailwind rules to any element, use of Semantic elements is obviously preferred but not essential

I use this a lot! Also I love the youtube channel that they have Tailwind labs, as a non-css person I appreciate how easy my life is with Tailwind.

This is awesome. I did see this dropped right alongside Tailwind V3, or there abouts.

One thing I wish Tailwind did with production builds is take all those CSS classes and run them through a css-modules transpiler. If they can detect the names in the files, can't they also use the same lexer to do replacements on the code too?

That would be the ultimate efficiency, in terms of bytes saved.

As a self-taught web developer, Tailwind has been a breeze to use, especially since I can play with default properties that already fit in nicely. Gives so much customizability.

However, I do find it laborious some times, since I have to define properties for each div every time, instead of just selecting things by CSS classes. Or I am doing this wrong.

You are in fact doing things very wrong. You’re supposed to be creating components or view partials or whatever you framework calls them and use those. The homepage literally has examples of doing this with multiple frameworks.

Oh yes! I had not seen that. A component template would be so useful for me! Well, that is how one self-learns I guess: through mistakes.

Also of interest is the 'Play CDN' feature, which allows Dev Tools experimentation


It would be nice if we started adding more css features to inline styles seeing the success tailwind css has.

The only reason I use tailwind is that I can keep styles close to markup, I would just use inline styles if they had access to media queries and pseudo selectors

Is there a VSCode plugin that help you do something like this: when I type text-20px it will try to find the closest class e.g. text-sm automatically?

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense will give you a list of all the possible classes with the associated pixel value.

You can also do text-[20px] if you really need that specific size.

Intellisense would help a lot with this task: https://gist.github.com/crswll/db0d276bbf0884b003f3715d48e68...

No but when you select an intellisense suggestion, before hitting enter, it’ll show you the underlying css. That can sort of give you the same effect even if in reverse.

started using tailwind when I hadn’t mastered css and it actually speeded up my learning, because: - faster iteration and experimenting - tw docs are great learning material too - tw classes are made by experts so you can indirectly learn what are best practices

Tailwind is to styled components .... Like jQuery is to react.

Popular now, huge pile of mess in a few years.

Seems like a cognitive nightmare to have this in projects. I'm not sure what problem it solves other than doing everything in one file as opposed to multiple files.

I've never seen tailwind until today since I've never felt the need to use a framework.

After seeing this example, I certainly never will.

Something new here?

Why submit this? Been part of the docs/demo page for years.


As someone who's been doing CSS for 20 years now, I think Tailwind is an absolute blessing. They've gone a bit crazy with the latest features, but the core of it is so productive to use, especially in teams. Big fan here.

Once again, productivity is not the ultimate goal of a profession. Your product is suffering in quality because you are taking shortcuts.

It's not, but it's important. And contrary to what you say, using Tailwind is productive for me AND increases quality. So that's a win for my product.

Do you have any basis on claiming that the product suffers in quality from using tailwind?

> They've gone a bit crazy with the latest features

Can you elaborate? What are the latest features?

I think they are referring to custom values. As a part of the move to the JIT compiler, it's possible to define arbitrary classes and have Tailwind pick up on it and create a class.

Consider this. `text-red-500` is an out of the box class from TW that gives you a solid red text color. With the new JIT compiler, I can write `text-[#BADA55]` and the compiler is smart enough to generate a class with that hex code as the value for the color. You can use this syntax for almost any available class.

This feature is useful for some cases (marketing sites with finicky pixel perfect requirements) but it can also be abused. It's up to your team to decide where it makes sense to break out of the design system, or if you should add that new value as a token to be reused throughout the app.

Arbitrary Variants looks a bit crazy to me (I haven't used it yet though): https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/pull/8299

I know it's going to be abused to hell like everything popular but definitely a useful power tool.

It'll be really nice for container queries when they're ready. Something like: `wider-than-[500px]:hover:text-red-500` and so on.

Also super nice for `:has` (although ordering is a concern at the moment): `[:has(:invalid)]:bg-red-500`.

I agree that tailwind may not be the most elegant way to style a webpage, and I also prefer classes and regular css or sass, but I don't think you will convince anyone to give up tailwind with such a toxic comment. Perhaps it would just be better if you stopped ruining hn for the rest of us. Additionally, styling and accessibility are not related (unless your layout is terrible, but that is just as doable with css).

That’s making a whole bunch of assumptions about professional web devs, including the people who maintain Tailwind and similar libraries.

Also accessibility and HTML classes are completely orthogonal concerns.

"People who know these things think tailwind is a travesty"

Sounds like people don't like changes to things that they are used to.

Overall Tailwind really does make styling cleaner.

It makes your job easier at the expense of the quality of your product.

How does it affect quality?

Tailwind means making your HTML non-semantic, usually backed by JavaScript. This has created an arms race where parsers such as screen readers need to do ever-evolving heuristics to provide a reader mode. The code usually cannot be modified or even viewed in a readable form by users. Of all things, it's not user-centric.

You're going to tell me next that you have a JSON interface instead. But that's a site-specific API that's designed for vendor lock-in. You're going to find that doesn't work and need to create a universal format. And now you have completely recreated the problem HTML was intended to solve originally.

All of this wasted effort that web Devs do doesn't come from nowhere. The people with slow browsers or accessibility needs are absorbing your productivity gains 1:1.

I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense at all, what on earth are you talking about? I'm all for constructive criticism, even if it's harsh, but this makes it sound like you've literally never read anything about Tailwind at all.

First, Tailwind has literally no opinion on whether your html is semantic or not. Second, it isn't "backed by javascript", that's nonsense and is just self-evidently not true. Third, "people with slow browsers" benefit because the CSS footprint is smaller. Fourth, the quality of the site improves with Tailwind because developers can spend their unused energy on other enhancements.

Why get on this thread and spew a bunch of bullshit? What's the point dude.

The JS part is just clean up the final result result of classes.

From what I've seen online using Tailwind over other frameworks like Styled Components, gives +5x speed ups. So it is not wasted effort.

> The code usually cannot be modified or even viewed in a readable form by users.

That's right, most of the time it is even minified. It' is not meant to be read by humans but by the browser. Poor accessibility is is a result of it not being prioritized designing/development of a product.

Semantic web is a lie. HTML and CSS is not expressive enough in itself to pull that off - you are guaranteed to put many many divs purely for stylistic reason all around your website. Also, as mentioned there is nothing in tailwind requiring only divs, you can use any semantic tag you want, and the whole page can be completely static without an ounce of js..

At least know the topic you criticize.

Looking forward to the takes on your 91st account.

The semantic web feels like yet more yak shaving. Focus on adding value to people.

I know this cuz I was a big ra ra cheerleader for the semantic web 15 years ago.

But then I found it made no bloody difference in actually helping people.

I’d much prefer if we all spent our energy building better, smarter screen readers.

Pretty sure you haven’t really looked at Tailwind.

It’s as semantic as you make it. And it works without JS.

class names have no bearing on semantics

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