If you can’t afford to buy your options, but take out a personal loan to buy them, that must have been a riskier approach than just buying them if you had the cash, no? The leverage increases the personal risk at least as I understand how that works.
Unless there was an agreement to forgive the loans if the options go underwater, which I haven’t seen reported here.
It depends on what your future income stream looks like. If you're a 22-24 year old software developer, getting to take on low-interest debt in an inflationary environment is a great deal. It's losing money on the stock that is the problem here.
If it requires predicting the future isn’t that by definition riskier?
The potential outcomes if you spend money you have are that you recover your money (break even), lose the money, or make a profit.
The outcomes if you take a loan are that you break even, make a profit, or acquire a debt that you by definition weren’t really able to afford in the first place (or you would have just used the resources you have to fund the exercise).
I feel sorry for anyone who was hoping they were young and had tons of upside potential, who now needs to service a loan that they will never see a corresponding asset for, who is about to face a quite difficult job market for juniors.
Unless there was an agreement to forgive the loans if the options go underwater, which I haven’t seen reported here.