Completely wrong, in aggregate. Vehicle longevity and reliability have significantly increased over that time period. However, when an unproven new car is compared to an old car that has already survived for a long time, it’s possible you may be right.
The same new cars that need the entire transmission replaced if any one thing goes wrong in it? Compared to those poorly built old cars where you could blow a gasket and just put a new one in?
Yes, exactly those. I would recommend reasoning backwards from the longevity statistics to the potential reasons for the changes to the designs of individual parts and systems.
Swap in a 2022 Toyota 4Runner and my argument stands. I was hoping I didn’t have to state that obvious fact. I also have a 10 year warranty so in 10 years it will definitely be serviced.
As the sibling comment points out on average longevity is way up, another point against older cars. Safety also way, way up.
Nostalgia mixed with contrarianism are potent drugs, but cars are the perfect case against things not changing, positive change has accelerated the last 20 years.
There's just too much tech in it that will go wrong, or be unsupported in 10 years.
No one will know how to fix it.
We are adding complexity where we should not be, but then cars are designed to be sold, not to be used for more than 3 years.