- We _are_ actually far more productive, but capitalism means that the demands, rewards and expectations have scaled along side - e.g. mass inflation, house prices etc... meaning we haven't been able (allowed) to scale back out working hours.
- We are increasingly living in a world of increase choice and consumption pressure - we have more options and pressure to obtain goods and services than ever before - this is often not a good thing.
- Diminishing returns as we ratchet up optimisation over time, technology becomes more complex over time, not less.
- We _are_ actually far more productive, but capitalism means that the demands, rewards and expectations have scaled along side - e.g. mass inflation, house prices etc... meaning we haven't been able (allowed) to scale back out working hours.
- We are increasingly living in a world of increase choice and consumption pressure - we have more options and pressure to obtain goods and services than ever before - this is often not a good thing.
- Diminishing returns as we ratchet up optimisation over time, technology becomes more complex over time, not less.