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Yes! This is such a great summary of the pains of front-end, although I'm sure these pains transcend any one arm of software development. What laypeople may see as a simple search box is probably a monstrosity of spaghetti code that was coded by a single person under a surprise deadline and interfaces with 3 different APIs (recent suggestions, search-on-type quick results, full search...) don't forget the many different states- focus, active, disabled, loading- necessary to consider and to build styling around. Everything is tightly coupled and semantically horrific because that's what the designers and managers demand for this year's particular flavor of the product's design under whatever deadline has been sprung on those involved in actually building the thing.

I think the interactive nature of these things and years of 'training' that the average computer user has endured to expect how a search box behaves tends to hide the hidden complexity lurking in UI elements everywhere. Another great example is a <select> element.

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