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you could be using it already w/jquery though and if you just switched to the native selector it would stop working everywhere but safari.

"#some_combo:has(option:selected[value=..]) + .." seems like a reasonable way to conditionally target something to me, is it terribly worse than some other way?

> is it terribly worse than some other way?

Yeah, it's fragile and will easily lead to bugs when someone changes the markup without realizing it's going to break some crazy selector in another part of the code.

It would make a lot more sense to just add a class to the element you're trying to select.

That selector does not seem fragile at all. It selects any anchor elements with gifs in them. A lot of the time we can't change the markup, either.

it's a conditional select, you're saying just add code to add/remove a class to the target - of course, but that defeats the point of wanting a conditional selector in the first place

The point of selecting an element is to do something with it. How does selecting it by class defeat the point?

Look, if you need this for some one off thing and you've determined it's the best way to do it in this special case, it's not hard to create a function that will find the element you want.

It's not a good argument for using jQuery IMO, because if you're doing this regularly there's probably a better way to do it.

But coming soon™ you will be able to do even this with `document.querySelector`.

Edit: I didn't pay close attention to your second example. I was speaking mostly related to the a:has example before. Your second example seems to be something that would be desired more in CSS than JS, and I don't think it's unreasonable to do that in CSS. If you need to do it in JS you can workaround browser limitations just fine by writing more than one line of code to do the selection and test the condition.

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