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There are a few cases that are trivial, but there are a lot more that can be very difficult. I'm sure the devs err on the side of avoiding false positives, because that could really enrage a user.

The problem is that the Strava developers have been too lazy to even catch the most obvious cases where there is zero risk of false positives. Like if someone "runs" a mile in 3:25 on a flat segment, is that really possible? It would be absolutely trivial to automatically flag those cases, but they haven't bothered to even try.

again you call the devs lazy. you really need to sit back and think about what you say. There is nothing more apparent to me that you have no idea what you're talking about when you say that. Obviously you've never worked on a large team or in development at all. Strava probably doesn't think its worth it, and has absolutely nothing to do with the development team.

I have done development work on large software product teams. I know what I'm saying and stand by my comment.

so you're just a jerk. nice.

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