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Firstly, the claim that Russia is actually doing actual "denazification" is such obvious rubbish that no sentient informed person should come close to believing it.

What they do is far more informative than what they say. What they say also includes Mr Putin's frankly unhinged speeches calling for more Russian Lebensraum.

Second, the point of such disinformation is not necessarily to make everyone believe this story, but to muddy that waters so much that people are no longer sure where the truth lies, they either fall back to the "well, there must be truth on both sides" or just give up on ever finding out the truth.

Thus, this kind of disinformation does not need to even be self-consistent or even that believable. But it does need to be relentlessly sent out.

The Ukrainian Azov Battalion is very much proudly Nazi in their ideology, and they don't hide it. Where does this defense of them and their Nazi ideology come from? Nobody disputes they are Nazi's and yet we are supposed to defend them because Russia is the aggressor? Or is there another reason?

Try harder. You haven't brought up this particular odious rubbish whataboutery in a while, as it gets [dead].



It's interesting that you don't deny The Ukrainian Azov Battalion are Nazi's, nor do you justify why we should side with them.

> It's interesting that you don't deny

Not accurate, read the above again, and follow the links.

Yes, I did and they verify the Nazi ideology of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion. Nobody denies the Azov Battalion is full of Nazi's. That's why you're being coy with your responses, rather than providing a source that would dispute it.

Sources and disputes have been provided to you before. It didn't change your talking point then, so it's a waste of time now.

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