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Projecting a lot, I feel like this guy is just a narcissist. Kind of making it all about him but in a way that doesn't portray him in a truly negative light. Also, guessing his ex-wife probably doesn't want a book about her divorce to be part of the national chatter.

Looks like you didn't read the article in full?

I did. Is there a particular point you're trying to make here?

He explicitly talks about his failures at the end. I don't think a narcissist would get that far. Although you did say you're projecting, so maybe this is not useful.

He talks about his failures in a way that minimizes his failings. There's nothing wrong with him. If only he knew this one simple trick then he'd have a perfect marriage!

Even if his overall thesis is correct, I bet you that his ex would not cite the glass as the top example. There's probably much worse stories that make him look like a giant asshole.

That's my question:

Did this guy's ex-wife agree to be a subject of a blog, articles in major publications, and a book??

[..] Also, guessing his ex-wife probably doesn't want a book about her divorce to be part of the national chatter.[..]

This. I was thinking the same thing too. Shouldn’t there be a law against this?

If I were his ex-wife, I would have sued his sorry ass for airing marriage laundry. But that’s just me.

No, there should not be a law about this. What possible reason would there be for being prevented by law to talk about your life? When is it OK to talk, and when is it not?

Because it is defamation. Anyone can talk about their lives, but when you start talking about someone else without their permission to make money..I am actually pretty sure there is a already a law against it.

It’s only defamation if the statement is false and you can prove some sort of harm was done.

Really? You can’t write about anyone else? How do newspapers exist? Biographies?

This is a marriage. They are not celebrities. He is profiting from the dissolution of a marriage with a one sided narrative.

Him monetizing his divorce like that is disturbing if the wife didn't agree to this.

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