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Digital models preserve game show history (ironicsans.substack.com)
65 points by rcarmo on April 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

This is really interesting stuff. Somehow, it never occurred to me, the extent to which these are... obviously sets. I mean, yes, clearly. But somehow the way they film gameshows makes them look... I dunno, like more of a concrete or permanent space, rather than being pretty closely related to stage props from a play. Just the slightly different angle from these renders really emphasizes this.

This is really cool and great attention to detail! I wonder how this project could converge into VR? Personally, I would love to play a game of Jeopardy in this manner in a retro stage setting.

This was my first thought as well. I was actually looking for a way to contact the creator to see if he would be interested in experiencing the sets in VR. I've been learning vr/3d dev lately and I think I might actually be able to port the models he made into VR with relative ease (we'll see, still quite new at this).

For a more immediate and practical solution, VRChat has a number of gameshow style maps. If I remember right it may even have Jeopardy specifically with working questions and buzzers. Hard to remember, they definitely had some game shows. But in a more cartoon like style.

You can tell from the pictures that the models are really well done. I bet they would look great in VR, though there can be scaling issues.

Incidentally I'll mention here one of my favorite VRChat maps is the SGC from the show Stargate. I watched that show all the time when I was younger and to be able to walk around and even dial the Stargate in VR is really fun and novel.


My thoughts exactly! My company is working on a game show set for VR right now, but it's a more modern take on the "game show" theme. I would LOVE to hop on some of these instead!

I was just telling someone earlier tonight I thought a VR gameshow would be really cool. Do you plan to stream it live on twitch? Really cool idea - best of luck!

Thanks! This set will be for users to stream their own shows, although we did pitch a full VR game show a few years back but didn't get the green light on it from the IP holders at the time. The VR market size may be reaching that point now though...

Huh, SketchUp has grown up. Back in Google days it felt both bit like a toy and somewhat withered. But now it looks like it is more serious CAD-like app.

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