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Show HN: gh-dash – GitHub CLI dashboard for pull requests and issues (github.com/dlvhdr)
93 points by dlvhdr on April 1, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Please just don't. GitHub is a proprietary service, using it as a mere free code hosting is nothing wrong, pay it for it's services on sale again it's nothing wrong, but develop something to ease it's usage is:

- first you might loose your hard work at any point in time just because something change on the GH side, being not a community they have no reasons to be cooperative nor to advise third parties;

- second you make a proprietary service more appealing for free, so you do some voluntary unpaid work for them, and at the same time ease life of others who might then want to be on GH and GH specifically not "just others who offer similar things".

Until GitHub is used just as a free code hosting and development happen outside the platform it's a mere URL from the point of view of a FLOSS community, today the official repo is hosted there, tomorrow will be on SourceHut, another day on SourceForge, than Savannah, than GitLab, it's just a matter of follow project website news feed or ML or whatever and pull/push to the current URL. Being tied means being tied. If you need to move a day even if possible it will have a certain cost, perhaps a high one.

Generally speaking I'm deeply against ANY FLOSS project who act as a bridge to some third party proprietary service, not because of GNU philosophy but just because of the above mentioned reasons. Internet was born decentralized for a reason, that reason is still valid today, perhaps more than ever.

If anyone wants a GUI version of this dashboard, check out Graphite: https://graphite.dev

Bit of an unfortunate name collision there with https://graphiteapp.org/ (also on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphite_(software) )

Are they actively sending out invites to people on the waitlist?

I just signed up with my work email address and automatically received an invite via email.

I use this alias all the time, "Make PR" which creates a draft PR from the current branch and opens your browser to it. Assumes macOS + the GitHub CLI is installed:

  alias mkpr='git push && gh pr create -d -f -B develop | grep https | xargs printf -- '%s/files' | xargs open'
Or "merge develop upstream changes":

  alias mduc='CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && git checkout develop && git pull && git pull --tags && git checkout ${CURRENT_BRANCH} && git merge develop'
Or, "Git add and commit" -- add all changes and a commit message like "Foo bar" in one step like "$gac Foo bar"

  function gac ()
    git add-commit -m "$\*" 
Which assumes this git alias

  add-commit = !git add -A && git commit

“gh pr create” automatically pushes branches I believe. There’s also a “—-web” option which opens the browser automatically. A couple extra clicks to actually open the draft PR but quite a bit simpler IMO

Yeah I use gh pr open —web

I believe that would open a non-draft PR (which for me gets announced on Slack which I don’t want) unless you enter flags which I don’t want for daily commands, opens it against the wrong (master) branch in my case, and takes me to the wrong page (convo/main) whereas I want to see files. It’s not a bad alternative.

Same issue with Slack. IMO the PRs should be by default opened as drafts, or at least there should be a per repo or per user option to enforce that.

Often someone opens a nonreviewable WIP, or messes up something with branches, and dozens of codeowners get pinged to review a diff of something that was already merged.

Also even if initial PR is flawless, it doesn't hurt for the opener to take a deep breath and self-review it before notifying everyone.

This looks amazing!

In the past I've built a similar tool, where I needed the issues available offline so that I can work efficiently with crappy mobile internet on the go. [1]

But after a while I decided that it's easier to have a Browser Extension in place that caches the issues in the extension's storage and that are usable offline, too. [2]

My tools are pretty minimalistic and definitely not as polished compared to this! Will definitely give it a try!

What kind of format is the tool using for the issue cache? Are they stored in markdown? Are issues cached per-remote, too? Aka say github+private gitlab is pulled altogether?

[1] https://github.com/cookiengineer/git-work

[2] https://github.com/cookiengineer/github-scrumboard

Thanks man :) I don’t really cache the issues, they are just stored in memory. So if you close the tool, it will refetch them next time.

How do I buy you a coffee? I'm going to try this next week. Looks fantastic. If you could libnotify me a little nag (maybe you do and I just haven't looked yet) I'll buy you two!

Haha thanks man, appreciate it :)

If I understand things correctly, gh-dash is currently read-only. Are there any plans to change that (e.g. to make it possible to add/change labels on issues) or add comments?

Yeah I’d really like adding that

Wow this is probably one of the nicest TUIs I've seen.

Check out https://charm.sh/ .

Haven't actually checked, but this looks very similar.


You're right, they're using most (all?) of charm's tooling.

Yup :)

beautiful TUI

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