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> Well then I guess there is nothing left to say, as there is absolutely nothing that can be falsified in your beliefs, only the single-minded faith in an absolute national enemy.

Got it, so since you couldn't argue against my statements with reason you are now attacking my character.

> makes me absolutely ashamed to be a westerner of any sorts

Absolutely nobody that is from the west calls themselves a westerner whatever the hell that means. Also FYI, there is an extreme mistrust and dislike of China from almost every country in the so called East. So it isn't a west vs east thing.

There is also serious mistrust of the Chinese government by the citizens of China. They just rarely communicate it as there is real risks to doing so.

It feels so bizarre to have someone convey seething hate for the government in private while seemingly being supportive in public. What is less obvious is how brittle it makes the country, it could literally dissolve into anarchy tomorrow or last for hundreds of years.

well not so uncommon, there are plenty of posts everywhere before it's taken down. If you use wechat the amount of 'read before deletion' are just a major category of gossips. I sometimes wonder do people outside of China really know the chinese 'domestic' circle well or am I so out of touch now? Also imho people don't tend to go 'against' the highest level government since it's very abstract. It's the everyday stuff that people care, which means local authorities that almost never get involved in any internationally focused affairs.

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