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Like I said in another comment, I'll allow HN readers to use their own judgement.

edit: but you know what. Since you want evidence I'll give you some. The entire Alibaba debacle where the CEO was forced into hiding because he dared to contradict the Chinese political elite is my evidence that the Chinese government has implicit control over every business based out of China.

Evidence? If I did not use their services and had some friends work at Alibaba, I would trust you.

Anonymous HN commenter proves their point by saying "I have friends who know better". Everyone immediately agreed (not).

> edit: but you know what. Since you want evidence I'll give you some. The entire Alibaba debacle where the CEO was forced into hiding because he dared to contradict the Chinese political elite is my evidence that the Chinese government has implicit control over every business based out of China.

So you think his words are much better than "I have friends"? You can find all Alibaba sites are still running. Alibaba Cloud is still providing services. You can also contact to sales and support. Then you still want to believe "entire Alibaba debacle".

How much are you being paid?

Just less than you

And what am I being paid for? I’m not the one promoting a dictatorship. I’m consistent with my anti-dictatorship message.

I just shared the information based my real life. I live in China and had some business with Alibaba, even though I don't like the company. I did not say anything about politics or dictatorship, I just shared the fact that Alibaba is still running well. If you think whatever you don't believe is just fake, then you would better go back to watch your CNN. So who is brainwashed?

You live in China, clearly are enamores with it, and yet you’re completely unbiased. Right.

Also nice CNN name drop, you clearly know me very well.

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