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Nice. Though it makes me think it would be nice to have this as a built in code editor minimap feature without the multi line ASCII code. The editor would parse special tags in comments and overlay the minimap with the tag text in big letters.

This is one of my favourite features of XCode. If you "// MARK:" lines, they'll show up in the minimap.

Eg. https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*j38oOm3Pt5AMnDI3HQ6TGQ.pn...

Screenshot stolen from this Medium[0].

[0]: https://medium.com/@mumtaz.hussain/xcode-11-now-makes-mark-c...

Excellent. I hoped for a similar VS Code extension but found none. There's only Banner comments[0] to ease converting a string to large ASCII letters inline. [0]: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=heyimfuz...

I think that might be derived from The "#pragma mark" feature that was in the CodeWarrior IDE which could be used to have annotations show in the drop-down list of functions in the code editor

And in the jump bar (^6, which is then filterable by typing) long before Xcode had the minimap!

Yeah, a bit like how CSSEdit used `@group` https://live.staticflickr.com/112/291326042_18115aa3c1_b.jpg

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