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Thanks for the link, I'll have a look. I don't think it's true that "people generally like drugs". Some people like drugs. Most people don't, with the exception of alcohol and milder "drugs" like coffee and nicotine. Most people like to get drunk, but only occasionally. Even the people who like to get drunk prefer to do it in well circumscribed contexts, like social occasions or rituals etc. That actually goes for the traditional consumption of entheogens also, btw.

In particular -and I'm aware you'll probably find that hard to believe right now, but- most people really don't like the idea of hallucinogens. Crossing the doors of perception to enter a different reality is not most peoples' idea of a fun time. Quite the contrary. See "bad trip". I've heard of junkies, I've heard of alkies, but I've never had anyone having a "bad trip" with wine or beer.

Incidentally, when I first started hearing about datura, it was all from people saying that it's the worst imaginable trip one could ever have and they never wanted to touch it again.

Anyway, my personal advice is to not do drugs. One only wastes their time, time they will never get back and that they could be spending in developing their knowledge and skills instead.

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