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I think that resellers have some use in a market.

Rye bread for an example, I like rye bread but only eat it occasionally. Same with tomatoes and avocados. I and the farmers and manufactures can't deal with trying to juggle and maintain inventory.

But cars on the other hand, if you were to set up your manufacturing side with some inventory(so not JIT), you could make every car to order.

Imagine a world where you could go online, pick exactly every option and feature and then have the car delivered in a couple of weeks.

Instead of the current reality of dealerships who hold a large amount of inventory, have to negotiate for deals and search for the features you want.

I view it the same way that I viewed High Frequency Trading, sure the dealers and traders provide "liquidity" but the value for their margin they take is marginal.

> Imagine a world where you could go online, pick exactly every option and feature and then have the car delivered in a couple of weeks.

You can do this now: https://shop.ford.com/configure/edge/model/customize/se It just ends up being delivered/sold through a dealer. OK, so these days it will be more than a few weeks...

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