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> the Netherlands, parts of Denmark, or perhaps Japan (more for transit than cycling).

From my small experience living in France, Germany, Denmark and spending quite some times in other old[0] EU countries, you can do it everywhere there. From Portugal up to Finland and everything in-between. This is the normal way here.

[0]: Not to be taken negatively, just that I did not had the opportunity to visit/stay in the EU countries from the former East block.

We hoped that this would be our experience moving to the EU (Ireland) but due to housing issues we wound up in a field in the countryside. They DO get free reign of the field and the lovely walking trail, but the road is full of high speed drivers with nothing but a dense, tall hedgerow to jump in to. Ireland copied all the mistakes of America with regards to urban design, too.

Yeah, the Irish countryside is beautiful, but not walkable.

Both my wife and I grew up there, hence why we prioritized getting a walkable place in the suburbs.

Funny enough when we were looking it was either between the canals in Dublin or in the countryside. We looked at places in Clonsilla, etc. but they seemed really hostile to walking. Inside the canals was too expensive, sadly. I ended up getting a remote job and we moved to a few acres in Offaly, about a 15 minute bike ride from the train. It's beautiful and there's a lot to like (We even have a walking trail by the house!) but it's definitely a place you need a car.

Yeah, we looked at clonsilla too but it didn't work for the same reason. We managed to find something just over the m50 but still pretty walkable, in Laurel lodge.

I'm way too neurotic about the future to take the plunge and move away from Dublin, unfortunately.

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