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It's wrong and has been for ages. It will claim things like I'm 1 in 500k even though I'm on a recent iPhone on the west coast of the the USA. Simple math will tell you it's just plain wrong. The only settings that leak on an iPhone are possibly the model, time zone, and language. There are at last 70 million people in that time zone. Right now it claims for me my iPhone is 1 in 240k so it's effectively claiming there are 291 iPhones of the same model in 70 million people. Yea, no, that's clearly wrong.

They don't care that it's wrong because the exaggerated numbers scare people into believing in their cause.

Yes I get that it's possible that I'm the only iPhone in 70 million people that checked their site in the last 45 days but that's still exaggerating their point. Only a site that has lots of traffic would need to fingerprint you. So reporting that a site that gets almost no traffic and tell a couple of iPhones visited per day in the last month isn't remotely representative of a popular site that actually is trying to track

You miss the point. Your iPhone make and model, time zone, and language are perhaps 20% of your fingerprint.

After testing, you can scroll down to see different test metrics and see exactly which fingerprinting methods (WebGL hash, AudioContext, etc) all contribute to your unique fingerprint.

It’s not just your phone model.

no..you missed the point. there is nothing else unique about my iPhone. every one of those other techniques will show up with exaclty the same fingerprint for the same model of iPhone.

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