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Not to be too offensive, but it _is_ lazy no? This stuff is important! I feel like it's (and has been for a while) going wrong. I know user education it mostly a pipe dream. But it's all I can think of.

The iPhone is probably relatively free compared to the streamlined hassle-free applications and devices of the future. And all the while polarization in all our societies grows, until my government too has no option but to lock it down and forge social cohesion through state-sponsored psy-ops and information-ops. We'll be well on our way to a 1984 dystopia then. ---

And please, it's not like there's not time for a normal life. See my comment about my family member below. Maybe if tech people would just refuse to fix the internet, more people would understand how it works.

You've picked the wrong site/time to invoke civic ideals wrt (digital) technology; that was a thing of the 90s.

Too many conflicting interests have built up..

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