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American Chipmakers Had a Toxic Problem. Then They Outsourced It (bloomberg.com)
39 points by samfisher83 on March 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

The idea that technology-lead solutions will solve the world's problems is just preposterous. Not only does semiconductor manufacturing use an enormous amount of energy, it also drives demand for rare minerals and creates horrible environmental problems (both during creation and disposal).

The only way that these solutions are currently palatable is because we have outsourced so many elements of the supply chain to other countries with lax environmental controls.

Edit: I should clarify what I mean by "technology". By that, I mean widespread use of computing-based devices.

We should follow the paper trail of independent tanker-trailers leaving solar manufacturing plants in California. One driver has been heard to claim that he dumped cadmium-tainted water at the roadside culvert somewhere in Rhodes Island then went back to California for more pickup.

So glad that solar manufacturing has stopped, at least in California; but the environmental damage has probably been done across the country.

What's "Rhode's Island". If you mean Rhode Island the state, you'll want to spend a little time learning the geography of the U.S. Driving across the entire country to find a culvert would be almost as dumb as you trying to spread this rumor.

> We should follow the paper trail of independent tanker-trailers leaving solar manufacturing plants in California. One driver has been heard to claim that he dumped cadmium-tainted water at the roadside culvert somewhere in Rhodes Island then went back to California for more pickup.

Spelling error aside, even minimal knowledge of US geography suggests that that’s... unlikely.


Yes, unlikely. But if the driver lives near there, then it remains a viable option.


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