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Hacker Public Radio (hackerpublicradio.org)
148 points by EuAndreh on Dec 5, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

The RSS feed still lists MP3 as a patent encumbered format, which it no longer is.


If this is deliberate, it seems like a very curious hill to die on. Almost zero mainstream podcast apps natively support OGG, and telling people to avoid MP3 isn't really helping anyone at this point.

Edit: it seems like the page is probably just under-maintained. It still links off to Google Play for podcasts, which hasn't even been Google's primary podcast app even long before Google Play was discontinued.

One of the best (and most prolific) HPR hosts is Klaatu. He has his own podcast at http://gnuworldorder.info/ .

You can subscribe to Klaatu show on hpr using http://hackerpublicradio.org/rss.php?hostid=78

If you can contribute, check out their Requested Topics: http://hackerpublicradio.org/requested_topics.php

I already have notes together for one of these as it's a topic near and dear to me. I just need to have some time and energy to record it.

I forgot all about this, I used to listen all the time around 2007-2010 I was going to say that I don't know why I stopped listening, except that I stopped listening to podcasts all together. Though now that I think about it, its because I broke my sansa that had rockbox installed.

I'm glad to see its still going though. That's awesome.

We recently released our podcast (keeping it non-technical), discussing all sorts of topics related to privacy and security, and providing simple tips. If anyone's interested feel free to check out and let me know what you think! https://www.conversationwithahacker.com/

Great podcast ... How come I never heard about it. Damn. Anyhow I was looking for English podcasts similar to Chaosradio and Chaosradio Express (they are mostly in German). This fits quite well. Any other suggestions?

Now there's a name I haven't heard in a few years, used to listen all the time and even submitted a few episodes when I was young. It shaped the hell out of me that's for sure.

I think the beauty of HPR is the low barrier of entry to producing a interesting episode. Grab a Mic, and get a ramble :)


How have I never heard about this?

Valid points all. That page needed some love and attention. I cleaned it up a bit.

Came here to say I've not heard of this as well, and add that this is great!

I can't believe I've never heard of this

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