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Is this picture real? I don't get why there isn't any evidence of bits of cables still hanging from at least one of the towers or any other kind of wreckage. It looks more like someone has photoshopped all the cables out of of an old photo.

You can see that the top of each tower has come off, so none of them are standing as tall as they were. Still, sure, it looks like a serene picture apart from the dust in the air.

Comparison before/after pic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoJsJl0XUAI3XfT?format=jpg&name=...

You can also see that the building just to the right of the nearest tower is damaged, presumably due to cables or part of the tower landing on it.

You're right but, it looks like the smoke/dust comes from the anchor points of the cables, so the ground part gave way and all cables were collapsed cleanly.

Another angle is https://twitter.com/adamonzon/status/1333742939005218816/pho...

Also looks like "cable hubs" at the top of support towers are gone too.

You may have seen this already, but here's some more direct photos of the collapsed pieces. https://twitter.com/NotiJuan/status/1333803305831604225

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