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Math Genius Solves 100 Year Old Problem (time.com)
18 points by agnesberthelot on May 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

This article is too short to display the intricacies of what happened. For people more interested in the exact reason why he didn't accept the millennium prize from the Clay Institute and the nature of his proof to some slightly more rigorous mention (although the full proof is readily available on arXiv), please read this phenomenal piece written by The New Yorker in 2006, found here: http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/08/28/060828fa_fact2

Thank you for the link!

This happened about a year ago... A big part of rejecting the prize came from his desire to have nothing to do with the math community as a whole. Accepting the prize would be acknowledging it's place in the world.

"To put it short, the main reason is my disagreement with the organized mathematical community," Perelman, 43, told Interfax. "I don't like their decisions, I consider them unjust."

Anyone have details on the documentary? It sounds like it'll be worth a look.

While I can applaud the purity of his dedication to mathematical research, if I were him, I'd take the money. How often will math make you a million dollars?

Thank you for coming forward. It's so rare these days to run into someone who would accept a million dollars.

So take the money and donate it. There is a lot of good that you can do with that sort of cash. There is no moral high ground in not taking it.

Obvious troll is obvious.

I definitely agree with you. To me, accepting the prize money in no way devalue the scientific achievement.

I found this guy’s story inspirational. To me the story isn’t him not taking the million dollars but that he channeled Jesus to solve the problem.

It would have been far more interesting if a Math Dunce had solved it.

class in a world bereft

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