First notice I have of this line of business. I am thoroughly intrigued.
Is the deepfake situation that out of control? What kind of scenarios is it used for, in terms of spreading misinformation?
I wouldn’t say deepfakes are out of control, but we see their risk potential to our clients. We support social media platforms, politicians, and large corporations. So far, our social media clients are those most concerned and affected by deepfakes.
Threat actors use deepfakes, along with other forms of disinformation, to achieve their objective. The most commonly discussed are the Russians interfering with US elections, but many other nations are now getting in the game. We have also seen organized crime using elections or other hot-button issues to drive traffic to their ad-laden websites.
We are still in the early days of deepfakes. I am sure we will see many more sophisticated methods as the technology improves. As it becomes commoditized, it will become another tool used moving down market from geopolitical goals, to organized crime, to petty fraud.
Makes certain types of media archivable when they otherwise wouldn’t be.
It’s rather common for people to take down things that can be used against them later. Very common for youtubers but also somewhat common for politicians who may want to distance themselves from historical points of view.