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I find this particular aspect to be the reverse for most cases, especially on the receiving end. Staying in guest bedrooms sucks. You have to be quiet at certain hours (and hosts may not be), you cannot do certain things (like walk around without dressing, or return super later, or have sex). I'd stay in a hotel any day, and would be if anything more reluctant to visit someone with a guest room cause it's such a hassle, literally the only reason I can think of to prefer guest rooms is to save money for the visitor.

Similarly with cars (in a couple, you are designated driver half the time, you have to look for parking, etc.; although I do have to own a car to go to the mountains, that's one use case that is simply not covered by rideshares and such), backyards/parks (doing stuff in the backyard is just boring, it's much easier to convince me to go to the park).

Indeed one would expect the "95%" owned versions to be inferior to the specialized ones; after all, the latter are specialized for a particular purpose, rather than a compromise faux replica like a guest room or a backyard.

You have option living in hotel.

But the thing op is talking about are visits to friends specifically, not visit in the same city. Those are the sort of visit when you come in for 2-3 days and both families intend to spend evening together and do activities together. So, the late night return is not the issue, because evening is spent together. And yes, saving money for visitor is one of purposes. Other is to make logistic of "being together as much as possible, being able to drink together after kids were put to sleep" is another. Yet another is to make it easy on granda when she visits or even babysit.

It is clear that you dont do those, which is obviously fine. But other people do.

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