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This makes me think of RV's or campers.

A fifth wheel costs about $35,000. Many of my neighbors have models that cost $50,000+. You need to factor in renting out the campsite for a week, fuel to tow your camper there (it might be 100-200 miles away), and the fact that you need a large pickup truck to do the towing.

You could rent a lot of hotels for that kind of money, or rent a cabin to stay in, and drive there in your car. "Roughing it" seems expensive.

Note that you said 100-200 miles away. If you are driving much longer than that the cost of gas to pull it vs a mini-van is probably more than a hotel + restaurant meals. (depending on how expensive your tastes are). Maybe it works out if you have a luxury camper (read would splurge on the expensive hotel rooms), like to cook your own meals, don't drive too far every day. There is a reason most campers don't got very far from home: they need a lot of fuel.

Having had a RV (which I lived in all summer - I didn't move it), and done real tent camping I object to calling any form of RV roughing it. I've been 10 hours be canoe from the nearest car before (it took us a full week - I've talked to some who did the same trip in a long day which is where the time estimate comes from), I know what roughing it means, and a RV isn't it.

Imagine what bass boat fisherman pay per pound of bass caught when it's under $15/lb at the market.

At some point, you should probably think of hobbies as hobbies and not demand that they be the most efficient means of producing an outcome.

You are paying for opportunity cost- there are many places that people take RVs where there are no equivalent options or only sketchy ones.

I agree the way most people go about buying RVs seems sub-optimal, but hotels or even cabins are not necessarily equivalent goods.

my sister and her husband lived out of an over an over cab camper for, literally, years. From San Diego to Montana to Alaska. She was working medical jobs in San Diego and parking in the RV parks. Saved a ton of money.

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