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Dupes and Duplicity (damninteresting.com)
56 points by ca98am79 on Sept 5, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Very enjoyable, if long, read, and a fascinating website I hadn't come across before. Thanks for posting.

Audio for a number of Damn Interesting articles can be found on their podcast feed.

I would recommend listening to this article on the podcast feed. Love the site.

turns out Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle is historical fact, whodathunk?!

Amazing story. This should be a serial tv show, many shocking twists and turns.

What a shame that women had such limited options in the eighteenth century. Now days a woman with her skills can go into politics and become a great success.

Or do the same thing. A scammer is a scammer, people don't become one because they lack options, it's because they don't care how they harm others to have what they want. Same goes for serial killers and murders and really nice people, it's not a gender thing. But if you meant her seductive skills, it was sexual in nature and did not work on women. I think these days, society is still unfairly biased against women that appear seductive or too sexual in politics/office, women have to walk a thin line of being attractice yet not threatening or "slutty". Either way, who knows. Maybe she wouldn't need seduction and she could be a successful hacker.

Should we measure Reality Distortion Fields in Rudds? How many centirudds would various infamous silicon valley projectors rate?

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