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Culture does contribute to management style and you're being really weirdly politically correct in not accepting it.

It does, for sure! Culture is one of the facets that can contribute to your management style along with a ton of socioeconomic factors.

My point is that this often works negatively against Asians, especially in management in a way that it doesn't for other racial groups.

Like you're way more likely to see people being okay with casually saying “Jerry Yang is Asian, therefore he overworks his employees” than say “Marvin Ellison is Black, therefore <some other negative characteristic>” in a conversation. That comment was up for more than five hours before I said something about it.

I think this is a problem. It's nowhere on the same scale as some of the problems that other minorities face across America. But in my opinion, it's important enough to call out occasionally.

The average person doesn't know or care what culture Jerry Yang grew up in or identifies with. He could associate himself with American hip-hop culture for all we know. So assuming Jerry Yang has the same culture as someone else because they're both racially Taiwanese is incorrect and there is nothing "really weird" about pointing that out.

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