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Windows repair likes doing it.

I've had it nuke my bootloader a few times when I used to sill dualboot (now full Linux).

One time the windows installer confused the encrypted LVM disk with a corrupted NTFS partition (because it had an NTFS partition on it at some point and underlying data wasn't wiped properly) and tried to fix it. Suffice to say, that required a back restore, so now all my encrypted disks have a 100MiB NTFS buffer partition for Windows repair to fuck around it (until I removed dualboot, I occassionally found remnants of an attempted repair in them)

Is it sufficient to install Windows to a completely separate disk instead of a separate partition to prevent this? I can't imagine Windows starting to overwrite partitions or boot sectors on a drive it is not even installed to

I always install Windows to a different disk, so yes, Windows will try to recover partitions on other disks, especially when it finds multiple ESPs and the windows one isn't the active one (upon which it sometimes tries to install it's bootloader there, looks if that disk has the windows partition on it and confirms that yes, windows is installed on that disk because it has a windows-like ESP that it just installed, so it goes for a repair)

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