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I don't know about D, but a difference between Rust and Go, for instance, in this area might be that the Go language designers care about compilation speed, to the extent that it has influenced the language design, while in Rust that concern may be important in terms of implementing the compiler, but not enough to influence the language design.

It's not that Rust doesn't care about compilation speed, is that final binary speed, zero cost abstractions and ergonomics lie higher in the priority list. If we didn't care about ergonomics you wouldn't be able to have diamond dependencies inside of a crate (like defining a struct in a file and it's impl in a different one, or splitting impl items between two files, this is very handy but requires that the compilation unit be a crate). If we didn't care about zero cost abstractions and final binary speed we wouldn't always monomorphism generics and have a threshold where we automatically use dyn traits instead (vtables), like Swift does, but we want people to have full control over the behavior of their code so you have to change your code in order for that behavior to change. This means that your code's performance characteristics won't change because of unrelated changes crossing some threshold, but it does mean that unless you opt into using a vtable your code will spend a lot of time expanding code for every type used in generics. This doesn't mean that we don't care about performance or that there aren't things we can do to improve the current situation or that we don't actively pursue those actions (take a look at https://perf.rust-lang.org/ over larger periods of time and you'll see that for the most part things are getting significantly better).

Yes, agreed fully. This is a good example of what I meant by the language being a factor :)

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