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> Add in the admission she deletes all her emails and wipes all her drives clean? Really? Does this person memorize every line of code she uses then?

I agree that the persona is bullshit and that 'she' is a probably a mid-to-late 20s male but...

Where does it say that she/he deletes wipes all her drives clean? It only says that (s)he wipes her web accounts. From reading the article, (s)he keeps her personal files/documents on a MicroSD card; quite a smart and disposable solution really.

Perhaps the personal files are encrypted also? It's interesting to imagine what other steps you could take to protect your privacy, it probably wouldn't be too difficult to do alternating sharding at the bits and bytes level over SSH with off-site storage (Half on MicroSD, half off-site), does any tool do something similar currently? You could even put a self-destruct timer on the offsite storage (if last_login > 5 days ago: format hard drive with 40-pass erase) or maybe a kill-switch containing sensitive informatoin (ala Wikileaks).

She has no physical hard drive and boots her computer from a microSD card. "I could hide this card anywhere or chew into a million pieces in a few seconds," she says by e-mail.

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