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If I thought I could get any real traction, I would run a website talking about what works. But that's not likely to get traction, so that idea hasn't gone anywhere. I'm scared to try to develop it because I get so much absolute shit from people for trying to talk at all about health stuff.

I have a serious medical condition. I'm getting well.

I've done remote work for years. That's a good idea that's helpful for controlling infection for vulnerable people.

Social distancing is good, but one side effect of all this lock down stuff is that hours are shortened and this means there are bigger crowds. It has eliminated the option for me to shop at 2am to avoid people.

I'm for contactless food orders. I have been actively promoted Little Caesar's pizza portal, ordering ahead (by phone or online) and picking up takeout.

I know lots of things that work. It's not any one thing. I can't tell you in a single comment. I've been developing these practices for 19 years and I get nothing but the crap kicked out of me, even when I am just asking questions for my own edification.

The enormous hostility with which I am met for just trying to talk to people online is part of a larger pattern of thinking and behavior. It's not just hostile to me. It's hostile to anyone with a non-main stream approach to health issues.

Main stream approaches are what got us here. They won't likely get us out.

I will probably be okay. But other people don't need to suffer this much.

You could create a subreddit or something similar instead of a website.

You'd still face traction and backlash issues, but it seems like a lot less effort and commitment to get started.


I have a subreddit called HealthWorks. It has no real traction.

I have had several health sites over the years. They get no real traction.

The problem is not setting up a website. I have a zillion of them.

The problem is mostly positioning and framing and getting audience engagement. I've never figured that piece out.

I know a lot about health stuff, so much so that when I begin talking about what you can do for yourself at home, people get all up in arms and accuse me of "practicing medicine without a license" and things like that.

I started a site a few weeks back in reaction to the pandemic called Stop Touching Your Face and someone kindly gave me feedback on positioning it, but I never developed it. I don't think it works to talk about the pandemic and try to address the pandemic directly.

I have a health site about my medical condition. I rarely update it.

I am continuing to think on the problem space and I hope to eventually find a way to talk about stuff and have it go well. But I find it crazy making that people are openly hostile to the stuff I want to talk about. I don't get that.

You know someone with potential solutions in a life threatening situation and your response is rage and downvotes instead of trying to help them figure out how to better talk about it? Are you, like, trying to die or something?

I just honestly don't get that. I never have. It's the same reaction people with my medical condition give me and it makes no sense to me at all.

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