It's a theoretical yes but a practical no, because the amount of people on this planet who understand SAML enough and want to work on it and are available for auditing, is damn close to zero, if not zero.
This is not an outlandish thing to ask of your security auditor _for your own app_. (It's something we do for clients.)
The challenging part is doing it for vendorsec, when you are vetting _other apps_. The timelines that stakeholders (other people in the company who want to use the app) are willing to accept are like, a week, and even if you somehow had a SAML testing praxis at the ready that enumerates all of the problems SAML has historically had, there's a lot more to test than just the SAML bits.
So: in summary: I don't think that number is anywhere near zero, though sure, it's not huge. The hard part is failures being silent and being in parties you don't control.