I have to agree: VB has better syntax, at least for my head. In addition to better block-boundary-matching, I like the type name coming after the variable name. It's silly to put the type first, especially for long ones. And it has a much better SWITCH/CASE statement. Having to use "_" for line continuation can sometimes be annoying, but at least you don't have to deal with semi-colons.
In C-style syntax there's often disagreement on how to format blocks, but there's rarely a disagreement in VB: there's naturally only one choice.
Maybe take the best of VB and Pascal, clean up the key-words by tossing legacy inconsistencies, and produce a next generation "word-oriented" style. #MVBGA!
In C-style syntax there's often disagreement on how to format blocks, but there's rarely a disagreement in VB: there's naturally only one choice.
Maybe take the best of VB and Pascal, clean up the key-words by tossing legacy inconsistencies, and produce a next generation "word-oriented" style. #MVBGA!
Related: https://wiki.c2.com/?TheRightWayToDoWordyBlocks