Think more and you'll only get an answer of "yes".
Throughout history there has been areas that excel in certain trades. Steel Work and boat building moved from highly talented areas in the UK pre-WW2 where workers were underpaid compared to their skills. As wages rose, this era ended and the steel work and boat building jumped straight to post-WW2 Japan. Similar things transpired as wages rose and it shifted to South Korea that the government suppressed unionization and allowed its steel industry to flourish and still only appears to be in the declining phase of its ship-building.
Whilst the elite of the worlds technology reside in the valley, good developers will be underpaid. When the workers get stupid and want to be overpaid for their work (IE unionise) then there work will move to the third world overnight.
Then there's the other valuation of income. I always make less than I should, simply because if I worked for myself doing whatever job I do I will be making more. If you're an employee, you'll never make what you would as an employer or as a self-employed.
Unless you are no good at business tasks. It's an unpopular truth, but still truth: Some people could never run their own business. They don't have the skills, or the mental chemistry. Some kids could never be president, some people can never run at a competitive level, and some people can't work for themselves.
It's not fair, or glamorous, or even particularly PC. But it's true.