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I'm guessing the logic went like this:

You displayed support for "feeding the hungry or providing shelter to homeless kids". Therefore you are a "socialist".

"Socialists" want the government to take people's money, and spend it on all kinds of dubious rubbish.

Your are complaining that your taxes are being spent on dubious rubbish.

Ergo, your position is hypocritical.

In my opinion: "feeding the hungry or providing shelter to homeless kids" != "dubious rubbish". "Hiring engineers to sit in a room to placate government officials" == "dubious rubbish". Each to their own though.

Only the second part; not only socialists spend people's money on all kinds of rubbish, every government does. People should keep governments accountable for every dollar they take from you, whatever is spent on.

Again, you stated I was the problem. What do you do personally that renders you not the problem? How are you personally and key here; effectively, holding the government accountable "for every dollar they take from you"?

As far as the socialist charge from the poster above you, I am not against taxes, I just believe they should be used to create a society where the least among us are provided for instead of endlessly feeding the military.

unfortunately in this country (USA) people who want the government to feed the hungry, provide health care and ensure a clean environment are called socialists while those that want the government to spend trillions on the military and the fossil fuel industry are called conservatives.

Fortunately I don't live there and I am neither of these 2 categories.

Hint: read "you" as the generic taxpayer. As I said, it is not an attack to a person, but a comment on taxpayer mentality that tax have to be paid, so the only thing to be cared of is what the tax money is spent on: not true, this is what I am trying to say. It is a false dilemma.

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