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Kind of defeats the market for your product though. Assuming the US govt is going to stay non-rogue for the lifetime of the product you are buying to defend yourself against all threats, might be a tough call.

In fairness if the US went totally rogue their are few nations they couldn't wreck in short order outside of the ones with a credible ballistic missile program and nuclear warheads.

In that hypothetical no-one wins.

I'm sure there is an obscure plan for that somewhere in say the UK MoD filing cabinets.

I know the US war gamed invading Canada as both a training exercise and contingency plan.

Hopefully they've updated the obscure plan in the years since they gave away the entire carrier air fleet to the US marines, and ordered US F-35s to replace them.

Assuming competence in the halls of the MoD these days seems to be naive.

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