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Maintenance programs don't grab headlines like the initial program to build does. Unless it's an extremely large package like what Trump proposed (what happened to that one?), it's just not sexy enough to get ink

My hypothesis is that since everyone plus dog in the US is an elected official that is perpetually campaigning, they're incentivized to focus on big splashy headlines.

That and the press loves to pulverize people over spending money to avoid disasters, but celebrates those that help when disaster strikes, even if it was entirely preventable.

Oh, and "Infrastructure Week" has been going on for about three years now.

I don't think DoD projects ever get positive press, when the products work people are apathetic and when they break they are criticized as boondoggles - infrastructure actually tends to get relatively positive press.

I think the problem here isn't in public opinion - it's strictly a matter of corruption at the political level.

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