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I didn't really use many external resources during development, most of the time I'm just "winging it" and acting towards a goal that I have in my mind. Coming up with a naive solution first, then trying to optimize it a bit in my head, then writing the code for it.

Angeldust's physics are relatively straightforward since it's based on a voxel grid. All game world intersections are approximated using axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs). I wrote the physics engine myself from scratch to reduce the number of game world data lookups, because that's pretty much the hot path in the code.

In the YouTube video from my earlier comment you can see that initially I started out with just game world boundary clipping and simple plane physics on the checkerboard. As I expanded my game world model, the physics engine grew along. So my advice would be (again) to start simple and grow from there. You'll do fine!

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