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The Word of Mouth Manual, Volume II (37signals.com)
9 points by markbao on June 16, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Interesting. I've just skimmed through this thing for about 15 minutes and have not stumbled onto anything other than fluff.

Did I somehow manage to miss it all? Can anyone point me to a bit of this book that's not actually just "talking about" word of mouth marketing, as opposed to describing how to do it? Not much of a manual to me at the moment.

I read through it all. Yep, fluff. Most books written by "guru marketers" are just self-marketing.

Thanks guys. I downloaded it (who turns down a free download?) and was going to peruse it later this evening. You just saved me from forfeiting my free time.

Even this scheme is quite clever from a self-marketing pov. He's got people with popular blogs giving his book away, which will get his name around. I wonder what the incentive is for bloggers to mention his book. The url tracks the src after all...

I think BzzAgent is diabolical and genius, and what they do is target the gaping hole in the soul of capitalist America. We, as a nation, are simultaneously desperate to belong and to believe. I find it sad that, for many, talking up consumer products seems to do the trick.

I wish I'd read these comments before I wasted my time.

Wow, what was with the leeches example at the start? Way to kill a book from the get-go.

Especially amusing are all the comments by "bzzagents" sent to comment on the post.

I thought it was only for special seth godin readers: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/06/what-dave-ju...

Kawasaki was promoting it too: http://twitter.com/guykawasaki/statuses/836033828 I did download it, read a few pages and was convinced too it's all fluff, nothing useful, practical or actionable.

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