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> Isn't the whole idea behind showing HN something to get criticism?

Let me categorically say: Hell no.

Some may want critique, but unabated criticism? That's not good for anybody (even if it does feel good to write). They're showing off the work of years of their lives; having that work shit upon is not what it's been shared for.

> If someone disagrees, fine, a discussion about it without mean comments like "get a life" or "grow up" would be preferable.

Just remember, the original post was not a useful critique, it was a disbelieving criticism for the author not doing their research. The comment also conveniently ignores that the title of this post explicitly contains "a fast and efficient video game".

Even taken charitably the original post provides little of real benefit to a discussion about the game being presented. Uncharitably, it comes across as a playground attack based around who knows the street slang for PCP.

>> Isn't the whole idea behind showing HN something to get criticism?

>Let me categorically say: Hell no.

It seemed obvious to me that the GP was referring to constructive criticism (which can be very valuable). I would not say it is "the whole idea" behind "Show HN" posts, but it is definitely one of the primary motivators for most of the posts I've seen.

That being said, I'm sure most don't put up a "Show HN" post to effectively hear "this sucks" with nothing helpful in the response (and that does happen).

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