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Mark Shuttleworth on the future of Ubuntu (lwn.net)
18 points by luccastera on June 16, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I'm glad they're stopping development of Gobuntu, I think it's wasted time and effort. Let the Free Software nuts work on their strictly-free-software software.

Ubuntu would not be my first choice for building cloud compute server clusters (there are better *nix distros). Am I missing something?

Ubuntu is no worse than the other major distros for building clusters, and if you are building things for a fully virtual environment you might want to take a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/je... since it is designed for that purpose.

The nice thing about current (8.04) versions of Ubuntu server is the use of upstart which makes start up go fast. see http://upstart.ubuntu.com/

If boot time is a concern for your servers then you're doing it wrong.

in my book, fast boot falls under 'nice to have'.

And please; don't tell me you never reboot, I'll just laugh at you.

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