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Apple has made a lot of practical pushes on this topic and was heavily engaged in the HTML5 standard codec debate. Wiki has a good writeup of it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_video#Supported_video_an....

If I remember, they were basically arguing against Google as it favored codecs that put costs on consumers, not the servers? Anyone remember this?

I think video patents have pretty much patented all the basics making new standards nearly impossible. So, organizations are stuck waiting to be sued if they adopt a codec. Apple seems to be waiting.

Google supports AV1 which is royalty-free (to the degree possible, given the plethora of patent trolls out there).

Apple joined the orgs but in the end made the dick move of not accepting a performant, free codec to become standard in HTML5 for purely selfish business reasons.

As far as support for open & free codecs goes, Apple have consistently been total assholes.

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