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Very cool. I’ve been thinking of doing the same for a .net core app and maybe a couple other common frameworks. Might be PITA to keep up to date though.


I actually made this over a year ago, and just this week updated all the deps in order to make it public.

There were thankfully few breaking changes, though I did burn like an hour debugging a weird dependency that wasn't compatible with golang 1.13 modules. So it goes!

So I guess only a slight PITA so far haha

Go for it! I made my own cookiecutter template for Django: https://github.com/clintonb/cookiecutter-django. My main goal was to get projects running faster. Updates every 6-12 months are fine. Alternatively, update when you are ready to start the next project, or shortly after you’ve made significant changes to the most recent project.

For example, my latest project has a React frontend. I’ll incorporate that back into my cookiecutter after I’ve worked out various issues.

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